Nasopharyngeal lavage
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Dolphin means for rinsing the nasopharynx in case of allergies , 30 sachets x 2 gSpecial Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00
Dolphin nasopharyngeal rinsing agent for adults, 30 bags x 2 gSpecial Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00
Dolphin means for washing the nasopharynx for children, 30 bags x 1 gSpecial Price $18.62 Regular Price $26.00
Dolphin nasal washer + nasopharyngeal washer for children, 120 ml, 30 bags x 1 gSpecial Price $18.62 Regular Price $26.00
Dolphin nasal irrigation device, 240 ml + nasopharyngeal rinsing agent for adults, 30 bags x 2 gSpecial Price $21.56 Regular Price $29.00
Aqua Maris Sea salt for rinsing the nose Means for the Aqua Maris device, watering can, pak-sachet, # 30Special Price $15.68 Regular Price $23.00
Aqua Maris norm spray for rinsing the nasal cavity, 50 mlSpecial Price $15.68 Regular Price $23.00
Aqua maris watering can nasal washer + sea salt, pak-sachet, # 30Special Price $20.58 Regular Price $28.00
Aqualor baby spray, bottle, 150mlSpecial Price $19.60 Regular Price $27.00
sAqualor extra forte spray for the nose with aloe vera and Roman chamomile, 125 mlSpecial Price $20.58 Regular Price $28.00
LinAqua Norm spray for washing and irrigation of the nasal cavity, 125 mlSpecial Price $18.62 Regular Price $26.00