TREGI-F with Chitosan (Far Eastern trepang). Biopharm Far East. Marine biologically active complex. Immunity. Detox. For weight loss. Source of Essential Organic Amino Acids. 60 drops 250 mg.

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TREGI-F" is a biologically active food supplement produced according to a special technology in the process of hydrolysis using crab liver from the Japanese sea cucumber (Stychopus japonicas) living in the Far East in the Peter the Great Bay area.

Japanese sea cucumber (trepang) contains a wide range of biologically active substances: glycosides, prostaglandids, polyene fatty acids, polysaccharides, chondroitin, B vitamins, microelements - calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, silicon, phosphorus, selenium, potassium

Chitosan, an aminopolysaccharide obtained from the shell of the Far Eastern crab, is a highly effective enterosorbent that promotes detoxification of the body from environmentally harmful substances and the elimination of fat-like substances.

"TREGI-F" with chitosan is a product that allows in ionic form to convey to all human organs and systems the healing components of trepang and chitosan.


Triterpene Glycosides (Saponins) - accumulate in the trepang's body throughout its life.

They play the role of protective substances that help to adapt to the difficult conditions of existence on the seabed.

Structurally similar glycosides are part of ginseng and provide it with a wide range of similar physiological effects.

It is no coincidence that the sea cucumber is called "sea ginseng".

Glycosides have membranotropic action, which determines their fungicidal and antitumor activity, as well as antioxidant action.

Cardiac glycosides are substances that have a selective effect on the heart and cardiovascular system of the human body.

Their action relaxes the muscles in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their expansion and a decrease in blood pressure.

The contraction of the heart increases and the rest period of the heart muscle is lengthened.

As a result, congestion disappears, the elasticity and permeability of the vessels is restored, shortness of breath and swelling pass.

They normalize the work of the circulatory system and reduce the risk of hypertension attacks.

Other fractions of glycosides, like insulin, enhance the transport of glucose from the blood to the cells of the body.

The result is an improvement in the energy supply of functioning organs and stimulation of the biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids.

Glucosamine is a stimulator of the process of repairing damaged cartilage. One of the mucopolysaccharides that the body uses to synthesize proteins and build connective tissue. Glucosamine helps to restore damaged joints. Provides building material for cartilage, promotes the formation of joint connective tissue - ligaments and tendons. Plays an important role in the production and retention of intra-articular fluid. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect has been proven. Glucosamine is the main molecule from which glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid are synthesized, the substances that make up proteoglycans that make up the basis of the cartilage matrix.

Polysaccharides - prevent the formation of blood clots, help relieve edema, remove fluid from the body. Affect the production of antibodies and reduce the spread of viruses. They have detoxifying properties. They act as blood anticoagulants, are components of the enzyme system.

Chondroitin is a building material for connective tissues and the musculoskeletal system of the human body, it prevents aging of bone and cartilage tissues. It takes an active part in the recovery period after household and sports injuries. Chondroitin is the most important structural component of cartilaginous tissues and ligaments. It increases the strength of the ligaments and cartilage tissues when stretched and compressed. The loss of chondroitin in the cartilage is a disaster for the joint and is the main cause of osteoarthritis. Chondroitin inhibits the activity of enzymes that destroy connective tissue. Increases the strength of the connective tissue of the ligaments. Reduces and completely eliminates chronic joint pain. It is a component of the synovial fluid, which nourishes the cartilage and is responsible for the sliding of the articular surfaces.

Prostaglandins (PG) - affect the tone of smooth muscles, cause a moderate decrease in blood pressure, tone the central nervous system. Physiologically, they are the most active of all currently known substances. In doses measured in billionths of a gram, they affect the lumen of blood vessels, the function of the heart, kidneys, respiratory and digestive organs, and significantly reduce varicose veins. The biological effect of prostaglandins is diverse, one of the main effects is their pronounced effect on the smooth muscle tone of various organs. Prostaglandins reduce the secretion of gastric juice and reduce its acidity, are mediators of inflammation and allergic reactions, take part in the activity of various parts of the reproductive system,play an important role in the regulation of kidney activity, affect various endocrine glands. Prostaglandins play an important role in the functioning of the female genital organs by regulating the contractions of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes during the menstrual cycle. Periodic pain (dysmenorrhea) that occurs on such days may be the result of an imbalance of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play a significant role in maintaining the sexual functions of the male body: a lack of seminal fluid, in the production of which these substances are involved, is known to reduce male reproductive capacity.The pain (dysmenorrhea) that occurs periodically on such days may be the result of an imbalance of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play a significant role in maintaining the sexual functions of the male body: a lack of seminal fluid, in the production of which these substances are involved, is known to reduce male reproductive capacity.The pain (dysmenorrhea) that occurs periodically on such days may be the result of an imbalance of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play a significant role in maintaining the sexual functions of the male body: a lack of seminal fluid, in the production of which these substances are involved, is known to reduce male reproductive capacity.

Coenzyme Q10 is a natural substance, a vitamin-like coenzyme that is involved in energy production, has a clinically significant antioxidant effect, which is especially important in our ecology. Helps against cardiovascular diseases by improving energy production directly in the tissues of the heart muscle, prevents blood clots and protects against damaging free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 is taken for rejuvenation, increased energy, also called ubiquinone, translated as “ubiquitous”, as it is present in every cell of the human body. Ubiquinone is produced by the human body, but with age, its production decreases even in healthy people. And this is also one of the causes of aging. Participates in the reaction of oxidative phosphorylation in the respiratory chain of cell mitochondria.Reduces the zone of myocardial damage in conditions of ischemia and reperfusion. Prevents lengthening of the QT interval, improves exercise tolerance. Coenzyme Q10 is used for the complex therapy of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, improving adaptation to increased physical activity in athletes, and chronic fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 is a kind of mini batteries that provide energy and strength to the cells of the human body. Preserves the youthfulness of human skin, is actively used in cosmetology.improved adaptation to increased physical activity in athletes, chronic fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 is a kind of mini batteries that provide energy and strength to the cells of the human body. Preserves the youthfulness of human skin, is actively used in cosmetology.improved adaptation to increased physical activity in athletes, chronic fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 is a kind of mini batteries that provide energy and strength to the cells of the human body. Keeps the youth of human skin, is actively used in cosmetology.

Phospholipids are compounds composed of fatty acids of polyhydric alcohols and phosphoric acid. Phospholipids belong to the group of essential substances that are irreplaceable for humans. They are not produced in the body, and therefore must be ingested with food. Phospholipids are found in tissues of the heart, brain, nerve cells and liver. In the body, they are synthesized in the liver and kidneys. Phospholipids are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the cell walls. In addition, they stimulate the normal passage of signals through nerve fibers to the brain and back. Phospholipids also protect liver cells from the harmful effects of chemical compounds. In addition to the hepatoprotective effect, one of the phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, helps to improve the blood supply to muscle tissue, fill the muscles with energy,and also increases muscle tone and performance.

Especially, phospholipids are important in the diet of the elderly.

This is due to the fact that they have lipotropic (protective), as well as antiatherosclerotic action.

Trepang lipids intensify the redox processes in the body, reduce blood cholesterol levels, improve the balance of prostaglandins that regulate inflammatory reactions.

Enzymatic hydrolyzate from sea cucumber contains peptides with a high level of oxylysine and oxyproline.

Polyenoic acids - are involved in the biosynthesis of hormones, coenzymes and cofactors of biochemical systems.

Moreover, they are involved in the regulation of a number of functions in the integrity of the body: growth, maturation, lactation, the formation of hair, the function of the reproductive system, fat metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, fibronolytic activity of blood plasma, stabilization of metabolism in the heart muscle in response to a stressful state of the body.

B vitamins - B-thiamine

B-riboflavin, B-pyrodoxin, B-cobalamin), also vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin PP (nicotinic acid).

Water-insoluble vitamin F. Its content is three times higher than in fish.

Iodine. Of all the trace elements contained in the sea cucumber, it is iodine that is the true biomicroelement. The body of an adult normally contains 20-30 mg of iodine, and in the thyroid gland - the organ in which iodine is concentrated - about 10 mg. The daily human need for iodine is at least 300 mcg. Replenishment of iodides in the body occurs continuously, both due to food and water, and due to the secretion of the thyroid gland, saliva and gastric juice. Iodine deficiency (hypoodesis) manifests itself in the hypofunction of the thyroid gland, as a result of which metabolic and oxidative processes slow down, the basal metabolism and body temperature decrease. Hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones) leads to myxedema (mucus edema) and endemic goiter (memory loss, overgrowth of the thyroid gland).

Holoturin influences the growth and differentiation of rapidly proliferating tissues and cells (cytostatic effect).

Shows a pronounced fungicidal effect (death of fungi).

Sea cucumbers, whose bodies are collagen-like proteins of marine origin, are a unique source of these proteins, exhibiting high nutritional value and biological activity.

Our chemical study of the amino acid composition of collagen proteins and the products of their enzymatic degradation showed the presence in them of a high content of hydroxyamino acids (hydroxy-proline and hydroxy-lysine), characteristic of collagens.

The chemical composition of the trepang connective tissue is characterized by an extremely high collagen content - 50-60% of the total protein.

The highest content of this protein is glycine, proline and glutamic acid.

Along with all of the above, the entire complex of biologically active substances from sea cucumber contains a physiologically balanced set of salts and microelements of sea water, which, in turn, is similar in composition to human blood plasma.


General indications:

has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body's resistance during the period of massive respiratory diseases

increases resistance and general vitality of the body, relieves ailments, improves mood

maintains optimal iodine content in the body

improves water-salt metabolism

normalizes the metabolism and functions of the endocrine glands

promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

helps to reduce the tension of skeletal muscles in inflammatory processes

increases sexual activity

exhibits a general detoxifying effect in case of poisoning with toxins, during and after ARVI, influenza and other inflammatory and infectious diseases

stimulates regenerative processes, rejuvenates tissues

restores the elasticity of blood vessels

has an antioxidant effect

Additionally with Chitosan:

used in the prevention of diabetes mellitus

used for acute and other poisoning, intensive drug therapy

used for metabolic syndrome, obesity and other types of lipid metabolism disorders

has a positive effect after radiation and chemotherapy, as well as in cancer intoxication

an additional source of unique highly effective soluble dietary fiber of marine origin (chitosan).

Release form: 60 capsules weighing 250 mg.

Directions for use: adults take 1 capsule twice a day with meals.

Scope: recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of soluble dietary fiber (chitosan).

Duration of admission: 1 month, if necessary, admission can be repeated on the recommendation of a doctor.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to seafood, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Consultation with a doctor is recommended before use.


Expiration date: 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Do not use after the expiration date.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from + 5 ° C to + 25 ° C at a relative humidity of not more than 80%.


Individual intolerance to seafood, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Consultation with a doctor is recommended before use.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from + 5 ° C to + 25 ° C at a relative humidity of not more than 80%.


Price per piece


A type

Dietary supplement


Without recipe

Energy value, kcal / 100 g


Item weight, g


Manufacturer country


Expiration date in days


Minimum temperature


Maximum temperature


Brand name

Biopharm Far East

Units in one product






Package weight, g


Scope of application















chitosan 86.0%

enzymatic hydrolyzate from sea cucumber 14.0%

gelatin capsule.

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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You're reviewing:TREGI-F with Chitosan (Far Eastern trepang). Biopharm Far East. Marine biologically active complex. Immunity. Detox. For weight loss. Source of Essential Organic Amino Acids. 60 drops 250 mg.
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