Search results for: 'lidocaine 5'
Insulin-yzofan chelovecheskyy genetically Inzhenernyi | Rinsulin NPH cartridges 100 IU / ml, 3 ml, 5 pcs.Special Price $32.34 Regular Price $40.00
Insulin lyzpro dvuhfazn y | Humalog Mix 50 cartridges 100 IU / ml, 3 ml in Quick Pen syringe, 5Special Price $46.06 Regular Price $54.00
Insulin-yzofan chelovecheskyy genetically Inzhenernyi | Humulin NPH cartridges 100 IU / ml, 3 ml, 5 pcs.Special Price $34.30 Regular Price $42.00
Insulin detemyr | Levemir Penfill solution for p / skin inject 100 IU / ml 3 ml cartridges 5 pcs.Special Price $68.60 Regular Price $77.00
Insulin lyzpro dvuhfazn y | Humalog Mix 25 cartridges 100 IU / ml, 3 ml in Quick Pen syringe, 5Special Price $46.06 Regular Price $54.00
Insulin detemyr | Levemir Flexpen solution for p / p injected 100 IU / ml 3 ml cartridges in syringe pens 5 pcs.Special Price $63.70 Regular Price $72.00
Insulin aspart dvuhfazn y | Novomek injection for solution 1% 1 ml 10 fl. 30 Flexpen pen syringes 100 IU / ml 3 ml, 5 pcs.Special Price $47.04 Regular Price $55.00
insulin degludek, Insulin aspart | Ryzodeg FlexTouch solution for p / leather. enter 100 units / ml cartridge 3 ml 5 pcs. in the syringe penSpecial Price $170.52 Regular Price $181.00
Hlybenklamyd | Maninil tablets 3.5 mg, 120 pcs.Special Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00
Hlybenklamyd, Metformin | Metglib Force tablets coated. 2.5 mg + 500 mg 30 pcs.Special Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00
Dulahlutyd | Trulicity solution for p / leather. the introduction of 1.5 mg / 0.5 ml syringe pen 0.5 ml 4 pcs.Special Price $283.22 Regular Price $296.00
Hlybenklamyd, Metformin | Gluconorm plus tablets 2.5 mg + 500 mg 30 pcs.Special Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00