Search results for: 'Vitamin+C+injection'
Allerhen bacteria | Tuberculosis allergen (tuberculin) solution for i / c injecting 2TE / 0.1ml ampoule 1ml + 5 syringesSpecial Price $23.52 Regular Price $31.00
immunoglobulin man Antirhesus Rho (D) | HyperROU S / D solution for v / v injection 1,500 IU syringe dose 1 pc.Special Price $142.10 Regular Price $152.00
Azoksymera bromide | Polyoxidonium lyophilisate for preparation for injection 3 mg 5 ml vials 5 pcs.Special Price $29.40 Regular Price $37.00
interferon alfa-2b | Lifeferon solution for v / m, subconjunctiva injected and instilled into the eye 3 million IU 1 ml vials 5 pcs.Special Price $38.22 Regular Price $46.00
The vaccine for the prevention of mumps | Mumps vaccine culture live dry lyoph. for solution for s / c input. 0.5 ml / dose ampoule 0,Special Price $25.48 Regular Price $33.00
The vaccine for the prevention of rubella | Rubella vaccine live culture lyoph. for solution for s / c input. 0.5 ml / dose ampoule 1Special Price $21.56 Regular Price $29.00
immunoglobulin man protyvodyfteryyn y | Anti-diphtheria horse serum solution for v / m and s / c administration. 10,000 IU ampoules 5 pcs.Special Price $28.42 Regular Price $36.00
interferon alfa-2b | Reaferon-EU-Lipint bottles 500000 IU, 6 pcs.Special Price $30.38 Regular Price $38.00