Herbal preparations
Zveroboya grass Daisies tsvetky, Fasoly leaf, horsetail herb, Chernik PoBeGi, Shypovnyka plod , eleute | Arfazetin-EK filter bags 2 g, 20 pcs.Special Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Hypericum herb, chamomile flowers, leaf beans, horsetail, blueberries shoots, rose hips fruits, eleute | Arfazetin-2, filter 20 g.Special Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, leaf beans, horsetail grass, bilberry shoots, rose hips fruits, eleute | Arfazetin-E pack, 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Ryabyn plod , Shypovnyka plod | Collection of vitamin No. 2 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Althea root, Oregano custom. grass, mother and stepmother leaves | Collection of breast No. 1 filter bags 1, 5 g 20 pcs.Special Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Althea medicinal roots, Oregano ordinary. grass, mother and stepmother leaves | Collection of breast No. 1 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Althea medicinal roots, anise ordinary fruit, licorice roots, Kidney pine, Sage grass | Breast collection No. 3 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Valeryana, Mint, Pust rnyk, Sweet, hops | Collection soothing в„–2 filter packs 2 g 20 pcs.Special Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
aira rhizomes, valerian rhizomes with roots, Krapyv lystya, Krushyn bark, Mint hide lystya | Gastric collection No. 3 filter bags 2 g, 20 pcs.Special Price $15.68 Regular Price $23.00
Valeryana, Mint, Pust rnyk, Sweet, hops | Phytosedan No. 2 soothing pack collection, 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00
Calendula medicine flowers, chamomile flowers, licorice roots, herbs herbs, sage leaves, eucalyptus leaves | Elekasol collection pack, 50 gSpecial Price $15.68 Regular Price $23.00
Calendula, Mint, Tansy, Chamomile, Yarrow | no. Phytohepatol No. 3 choleretic collection pack, 50 gSpecial Price $14.70 Regular Price $22.00