Alkhon skin antiseptic 5l

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Alkhon skin antiseptic 5l


Means Alkhon skin antiseptic is a ready-to-use solution in the form of a transparent uncolored (colorless) with a characteristic alcoholic odor.


As active ingredients, it contains isopropyl alcohol - 71%, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride - 0.09%, polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride - 0.02%, as well as functional additives for hand skin care, dye and water.


The agent has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis - tested for mycobacterium Terra), pathogenic fungi (pathogens of dermatophytosis and candidiasis) and viruses of parenteral hepatitis B, C, O, HIV infection, herpes simplex, influenza, including A / H 1 N 1, A / H5N 1, adenoviruses, rotaviruses, noroviruses.

The agent retains the activity of the disinfecting effect during short-term freezing and subsequent thawing.

The agent exhibits a prolonged antimicrobial (residual) effect for 3 hours.

According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach and applied to the skin, the drug belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76; has a moderately pronounced irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes; does not cause skin irritation; does not have a skin resorptive and sensitizing effect. In the recommended mode of application by wiping a pair of products, they belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to the Classification of the degree of inhalation hazard of disinfectants in the area of ​​acute biocidal action.

MPC in the air of the working area of ​​isopropyl alcohol vapors -1 О mg / m3 (vapors, hazard class 3).

MPC in the air of the working area of ​​alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride -1 mg / m3 (aerosol, hazard class 2, with a mark requires skin and eye protection).

MPC in the air of the working area of ​​polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride -2 mg / m3 (aerosol, hazard class 3, marked “skin and eye protection required).


The product is intended as a skin antiseptic for hygienic treatment of hands: medical personnel of medical and preventive organizations (hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, rehabilitation centers, day hospitals, medical units and first-aid posts, paramedics and paramedic-obstetric stations, dispensaries, hospitals, dental offices, obstetric institutions, newborns departments, intensive care and resuscitation departments, traumatology, burn departments, organ transplant centers, specialized medical centers, blood transfusion and emergency medical services); in conditions of transportation in ambulances; in sanitary inspection rooms; employees of laboratories, pharmacies and pharmacies; medical workers of preschool and school institutions, social welfare institutions (homes for the elderly, disabled people, etc.), hospices, sanatoriums, military and penitentiary institutions; workers of chemical and pharmaceutical, biotechnological, perfumery and cosmetic, pharmaceutical and microbiological enterprises; food industry enterprises; workers in public catering, food and industrial markets, trade; enterprises of public services, educational institutions, culture, recreation, sports; for processing the hands of surgeons and persons involved in surgical interventions in medical and preventive organizations; for processing the elbow bends of donors at blood transfusion stations, etc.; for treating the skin of the surgical field of patients, including before installation / introduction of catheters and puncture of joints in medical institutions, etc.; for treating the skin of the injection field of patients before injections, including before the administration of vaccines, punctures, dissection, biopsy in medical institutions, in ambulances, in emergency zones, in social security institutions, sanatoriums, penitentiary institutions; the adult population in everyday life; for disinfection of gloves (made of latex, neoprene, nitrile and other materials resistant to chemical substances) worn by medical personnel in microbiological laboratories for bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral and fungal (candidiasis) infections, including in the case of contact with infectious material on gloves; when collecting medical waste; as well as employees of enterprises producing sterile products; for treating the skin of the feet of the adult population in everyday life in order to prevent fungal diseases after visiting baths, showers, saunas, pools, etc.; adult population in everyday life.

For disinfection: small surfaces in rooms, furnishings, devices, medical equipment in medical organizations, clinical, microbiological, diagnostic, bacteriological, virological and other laboratories, pharmacies, on ambulance transport, during preventive disinfection on vehicles for transporting food products, at utilities, shopping and entertainment centers, catering organizations, food and industrial markets, educational institutions, culture, recreation, resort facilities, offices, cinemas, museums, military institutions, penitentiary, social security; medical devices, medical equipment, which do not come into direct contact with the patient or whose design features do not allow the use of the immersion method; the inner surface of shoes for the prevention of fungal diseases after visiting baths, showers, saunas, swimming pools, etc.


Application of the agent for disinfection purposes.

The tool is used by wiping and irrigation to disinfect objects.

Surfaces in rooms, surfaces of devices, apparatus are wiped with a napkin soaked in the product, or sprinkled with a product from a container with a spray until completely wetted, then wiped with a dry napkin. Consumption of the product is 50 ml per 1 m2 of surface. The maximum allowable area of ​​the treated surface should be no more than 1/1 O of the total area of ​​the room (for example, in a room with a total area of ​​1 O m2, the disinfected surface should be no more than 1 m2).

Medical devices (which do not come into direct contact with the patient or the design features of which do not allow the use of the immersion method: handpieces, adapters from a turbine hose to handpieces, a micromotor to mechanical handpieces, a handpiece to a scaler for removing dental plaque, light-curing lamps light guides) are wiped with a napkin soaked in means. If there is contamination (organic or other) on the object, first remove them with a napkin soaked in the product, and then treat the object with another napkin.

Objects in contact with mucous membranes and skin, after the exposure time, are washed with water or wiped twice with a cloth dampened with water, if the object cannot be immersed in water.

Carefully wipe the inner surface of shoes, insoles with a cloth moistened with the agent, and leave for the disinfection period.

For disinfection modes, see the instructions for use of the product for more details.


The shelf life of the product, provided it is stored in an unopened manufacturer's packaging, is 5 years from the date of manufacture. The packaged product is stored in covered dry ventilated warehouses in places protected from moisture and sunlight, away from heating appliances and open fire, separately from medicines, in places inaccessible to children, at temperatures from minus 40 В° C to plus 30 В° C., it is allowed to store the product at a temperature not lower than minus 40 В° C.


The product is poured into a 5 liter canister.


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Disinfectants (HR)



Temperature regime

from -40 to +40


intended as a skin antiseptic for hand hygiene and disinfection

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