ASD-2F 100ml

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ASD-2F 100ml


ASD-2F is an antiseptic stimulant expensive fraction 2 for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies, increasing overall resistance.


Reliable safety of the finished dosage form

Unique composition provides high efficiency

Simplicity and ease of use

Universal therapeutic and prophylactic activity


Contains carboxylic acids, aliphatic hydrocarbons, amines and amides, alkylbenzenes and substituted phenols, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, etc., as well as water.


When taken orally, it has an activating effect on the central and autonomic nervous systems, stimulates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the secretion of the digestive glands, increases the activity of digestive and tissue enzymes, improves the penetration of Na + and K + ions through cell membranes, helps to normalize the processes of digestion, assimilation nutrients and increase the body's natural resistance.

When applied externally, the drug stimulates the activity of the reticuloendothelial system, normalizes trophism, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Antiseptic-stimulant Dorogov fraction 2 (ASD-2F) is prescribed to farm animals, poultry and carnivores for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, genitourinary system, with skin lesions, metabolic disorders, to stimulate the activity of the central and vegetative nervous system, increasing the natural resistance in weakened and recovered from infectious and invasive diseases, as well as to stimulate the growth and development of young farm animals and poultry.


Inside, ASD-2F is prescribed to animals with drinking water before feeding. Outwardly, ASD-2F is used in the form of 15–20% solutions prepared in sterile saline or boiled water. When preparing a therapeutic solution of the required concentration, the initial sterile ASD-2F solution is taken as 100%.

Cows. With vaginitis and retention of the placenta (after its removal), a 3-5% solution of ASD-2F is used, heated to 40 ° C, with which the vagina is washed once a day for 4-5 days, consuming 1.5-2 liters of solution per every treatment. If the cervix is ​​open, then 200-300 ml of the solution is injected into the uterus, and immediately removed.

In acute and chronic endometritis, myometritis and pyometritis in cows, if the cervix is ​​open, a 15% ASD-2F solution, heated to 40 ° C, in a volume of 200-300 ml is injected into the uterine cavity and immediately removed. For these purposes, a reverse flow catheter is used. Processing is carried out once a day for 4–5 days. In cows with trichomoniasis, along with etiotropic treatment, 20% ASD-2F solution is injected into the vagina using a Janet syringe with a rubber tube and a special catheter with a large number of holes on the end part. Treatment is carried out once a day for 5-7 days, spending 200-300 ml of solution for each procedure.

When treating bulls with an acute form of trichomoniasis, along with etiotropic treatment, the preputial sac is washed with 2-3% ASD-2F solution, which is introduced using a catheter connected with a rubber tube to Esmarch's mug in an amount of 0.5-1.0 liters. After that, the outer opening of the preputial bag is clamped for 3-5 minutes by hand and light massage is performed. Treatment is carried out once a day for 5-7 days.

When cattle are tympanic, the ASD-2F preparation is fed to the animal or injected into the rumen through a gastric tube once or twice a day in a single dose indicated in Table 1, but not more than 3 days. In the course of treatment, warm enemas, scar massage and other procedures are prescribed for this pathology.

In order to increase the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors, increase weight gain and reduce mortality, ASD-2F for calves is drunk with milk or water for drinking at the rate of 0.1 ml of ASD-2F per 1 kg of animal weight every other day for 1–2 months.

Piglets are prescribed the drug individually in a mixture with mixed feed at the rate of 0.1 ml of ASD-2F per 1 kg of animal weight from 7 days to 2 months of age;

With catarrhal pneumonia, dyspepsia, gastroenterocolitis, gastroenteritis, along with etiotropic treatment, ASD-2F is prescribed to piglets once a day with drinking water 30-40 minutes before feeding, in doses indicated in Table 1. Treatment is carried out in courses of 5 days with an interval of 2 -3 days until recovery.

For horses with intestinal flatulence, ASD-2F is drunk or administered through a gastric tube once in the doses indicated in Table 1.

In the course of treatment, warm enemas, abdominal massage and other procedures are prescribed for this pathology. Repeat the treatment if necessary. When washing horses and the presence of abscesses in the submandibular space and on other parts of the body after preliminary toilet, the abscess cavities are washed with 15-20% ASD-2F solution or tampons soaked in solution are injected into them once a day for 7-9 days until the wound is cleared of pus and the appearance of granulation. For dyspepsia, gastroenterocolitis, gastroenteritis, as well as dystrophic conditions caused by digestive disorders and metabolic disorders, ASD-2F is prescribed to animals inside once a day, in single doses indicated in Table 1. Treatment is carried out in courses of 5 days with an interval of 2 3 days until the animal recovers. In order to stimulate the central and autonomic nervous system,

Animal species, age Volume

ASD-2F preparation, ml Water, ml

Cattle 3 years and older 20-30 200-400

from 1 to 3 years 10-15 100-400

up to 1 year 5-7 40-100

Sheeps from 1 year and older 2-5 40-100

from? years and up to 1 year 1-3 20-80

before ? of the year 0.5-2 10-40

Horses 3 years and older 10-20 200-600

from 1 to 3 years 10-15 200-400

up to 1 year five one hundred

Pigs from 1 year and older 5-10 100-200

from? years and up to 1 year 2-5 40-100

2-3 months 1-3 20-80

Dogs over 6 months 2 40

Infected sluggish wounds are washed with a 15-20% ASD-2F solution and then a bandage moistened with this solution is applied. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day for 4-5 days until the wound is cleared of pus. In the presence of fistulas, opened abscess cavities, phlegmon, gauze drainage moistened with a solution of the drug is introduced into their cavity, and a sterile bandage is applied on top. The drain is changed daily until a granulation roll is formed.

In poultry, the drug is used to increase the body's resistance, successful formation of immunity, stimulate growth and development, as well as in apteriosis, for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal tract diseases, respiratory diseases. To increase egg production and prevent ovariosalpingitis. Schemes and doses of the drug are shown in Table 2.

Indications for use Dose of ASD-2F Application scheme

Day-old chicks to increase resistance; development and formation of immunity 35ml / 100l drinking water 7 days in a row, then 2 days before and 2 days after vaccination

Chickens, turkeys, ducklings, goslings to stimulate growth; with apteriosis 5ml of 10% aqueous solution per 1m? poultry house Aerosolized at 1, 10, 28 and 38 days of age; exposure - 15 minutes

To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and increase resistance 3ml / 100birds (15ml ASD-2F / 100l water) With drinking water for 7 consecutive days

For respiratory diseases, incl. infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious bronchitis of chickens, respiratory mycoplasmosis and colisepticemia young birds - 10 ml / 1000 heads (5.0 ml ASD-2F / 100 l of water); adult livestock - 30ml / 1000 heads (15ml ASD-2F / 100l water) With water for 5 consecutive days

Laying hens for the prevention of ovariosalpingitis and increasing egg production 35ml / 100l drinking water With water for 5-7 consecutive days

Chicks to stimulate growth and development 0.1ml / 1kg poultry weight With water every other day for 1–2 months


The drug does not exclude the use of other drugs for specific or symptomatic therapy. Milk of lactating animals and poultry eggs are used without restrictions after using the drug. In case of forced slaughter of animals, meat is used without restrictions.






Temperature regime

from +5 to +25


prescribed to animals (including poultry) and dogs for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, genitourinary system, skin, metabolic disorders, etc.

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