Bacticide 10kg
This product requires special training when used.
Bacticide is an insecticidal microbiological agent for combating the larvae of various types of blood-sucking mosquitoes. In appearance it is a homogeneous powder from light gray to dark brown.
The active principle of the agent is a sporocrystalline complex containing delta-endotoxin of entomopathogenic spore bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis (serotype H-14 strain VKPM No. 398), formed in the process of culture fermentation. The composition of the product also includes the remains of the nutrient medium, the filler is sodium lignosulfonate and the preservative is sodium chloride. The product does not contain exotoxin.
Like other microbiological agents, Bacticide is an intestinal poison for the larvae of any type of mosquito. The toxin, getting into the body of the larvae with food, causes a violation of the digestive process, toxicosis and death.
The timing of the death of the larvae ranges from several hours to several days and depends on the rate of consumption of the agent, the age and physiological state of the larvae, the hydrological and biocenotic characteristics of the reservoirs.
In terms of acute toxicity after a single injection into the stomach, the agent belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (GOST 12.1.007-76), does not have cumulative activity, does not cause local irritating effect on the skin and does not penetrate through intact skin. In the area of ​​acute biocidal action, the agent also belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard disinsection agents. It has a weak sensitizing effect. It is not very dangerous for non-target aquatic organisms and components of the natural complex; it is relatively quickly inactivated in water (no more than 10 days). MPC in the air of the working area when using Bacillus thuringiensis is 20,000 cells / m2? (GN No. 28). The control of residual amounts of the agent Bacticide in the water of reservoirs is not required.
Insecticidal microbiological agent Bacticide is intended to combat the larvae of various types of blood-sucking mosquitoes (malarial and non-malarial), bell mosquitoes, as well as rice mosquito larvae, in all types of water bodies, including fisheries, located in all natural zones, as well as in the basements of residential buildings and buildings for other purposes by organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities. The product is also intended to combat mosquito larvae in the places of their breeding by the population in everyday life.
The agent is used in the form of 0.5-3.0% aqueous suspensions (according to the preparation) to combat mosquito larvae at a concentration of 3.0-9.0% aqueous suspensions - to regulate the number of belling mosquitoes. Working fluids are prepared immediately before use, since they stratify during long-term storage.
Before carrying out treatments, determine the required amount of funds, based on the type of water bodies.
The calculation of the amount of funds required for the preparation of working suspensions of the required concentrations is shown in Table 1:
Table 1
Working suspension concentration,% Amount of funds (g) required to prepare different volumes of working suspension
1L 10L 100L 1000l
0.5 5.0 50.0 500.0 5000.0
1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0 <
1.5 15.0 150.0 1500.0 15000.0
2.0 20.0 200.0 2000.0 20000.0
3.0 30.0 300.0 3000.0 30000.0
6.0 60.0 600.0 6000.0 60000.0
9.0 90.0 900.0 9000.0 90000.0
The working suspension is prepared in two stages. First, the product is thoroughly ground in a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous pasty mass. Then the resulting paste is diluted with water with continuous stirring to the required volume of the working suspension.
To prepare working suspensions, use any water with a temperature not higher than plus 30 В° C.
When using motorized sprayers, this operation is carried out using filling units. In the absence of such, tanks with mechanical stirrers or tanks of sufficient capacity with motor pumps or tank trucks can be used.
The fight against mosquito larvae is carried out by ground methods or using aviation (helicopters). It is advisable to start processing when the larvae of 2-3 instars predominate.
The consumption rate of the product is determined based on the species composition of mosquito larvae, the size and type of the reservoir, the degree of water pollution.
The calculation of the amount of funds required for preparation of the working fluid, depending on the area and depth of the reservoir, is carried out according to table No. 2. The starting point in the table is the minimum consumption of funds - 0.1 g / m2? the area of ​​the reservoir with a depth of 10 cm.
Table 2
The treated area of ​​the reservoir (m?) Reservoir depth (cm) Working fluid (l)
ten 20 thirty 40 50 one hundred
1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.1
ten 1 2 3 4 five ten 1
one hundred ten 20 thirty 40 50 one hundred ten
1000 one hundred 200 300 400 500 1000 one hundred
10000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 10000 1000
To destroy the larvae of the river. Aedes and Culex in processing:
Shallow (0.3-0.5 m deep) water bodies with little and medium overgrown with vegetation, inhabited by larvae of the 1st and 2nd instars, use a 0.5% aqueous suspension at a consumption rate of 0.5 kg / ha; inhabited by larvae of 3-4 instars use a 1% aqueous suspension at a consumption rate of 1.0 kg / ha;
Water bodies with a depth of over 0.5 m and heavily overgrown with vegetation, inhabited by larvae of 1–2 instars, use a 1.0% aqueous suspension at a flow rate of 1.0 kg / ha; inhabited by larvae of 3-4 instars - 1.5% aqueous suspension at a consumption rate of 1.5 kg / ha;
Reservoirs heavily contaminated with organic substances (sedimentation tanks, gutters, etc.) use 3.0% aqueous suspension at a rate of 3.0 kg / ha. The flow rate of the aqueous suspension is 100 l / ha.
To destroy the larvae of malaria mosquitoes, the agent is used at a consumption rate of 2-3 kg / ha.
When treating reservoirs located in basements and formed by subsoil and filtration waters, a 2.0% aqueous suspension is used to destroy 1-2 instar larvae at a flow rate of 0.1 g / m2; for the destruction of 3-4 age larvae - 3.0% aqueous suspension at a consumption rate of 0.15 g / m2. When treating reservoirs formed by sewage water, the consumption of the product increases to 0.3 g / m2. The consumption of the water suspension is 50 l / ha.
Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.
To assess the effectiveness of the agent, larvae should be caught from water bodies one, three and five days after treatment, and then every week. Treatment is considered effective if no live mosquito larvae of the first or third instars are found in the sample within 3-5 days after it. If the treatment efficiency is below 99%, it should be repeated.
The residual larvicidal effect of the agent, depending on the chemical composition of the water, the content of organic impurities in it, the illumination and the temperature regime of the reservoir in the form of larvae, varies within 5-10 days.
The method of processing in each specific case is determined by the type of reservoirs and the availability of equipment. Small in area, easily accessible reservoirs can be processed manually by adding ready-made suspension from a bucket, garden watering can, etc. For ground treatment of vast, temporary and permanent reservoirs, disinfectants DUK, LSD, VDM, automaxes, hydraulic controls, ORM-2 and other equipment for spraying are used. If the treatments of the reservoir mirror from the shore are not available, they can be carried out from boats using hand-held and knapsack sprayers.
For processing large areas, it is possible to use aviation, for example, a helicopter is used.
For the treatment of basements, hydraulic control panels, quasars, manual or backpack sprayers with a long boom are used. Basement ponds, small in area, can be treated with a dry preparation by spraying it over the surface.
Fight against the larvae of bell mosquitoes (chironomids): when treating reservoirs located in basements and formed by subsoil and filtration waters, a 2.0% aqueous suspension is used to destroy the larvae of 1-2 instars at a flow rate of 0.3 g / m2; for the destruction of 3-4 instar larvae - 3.0% aqueous suspension at a consumption rate of 0.5 g / m2.
For the treatment of natural reservoirs, the sites of development of the larvae of bell mosquitoes are subject to processing. Consumption rate - 3-9kg / ha.
Depending on the type of reservoir at
Product subcategory
according to instructions
DV: delta-endotoxin entomopathogenic spore bacteria. The drug is intended for the extermination of more than 80 species of mosquitoes (malaria, non-malaria, belling mosquitoes, rice mosquitoes) in all natural zones, incl. fishery reservoirs, basements of residential buildings and buildings for other purposes, organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities and the population in everyday life. The product is also designed to control mosquito larvae in places of their breeding.
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