Blefarogel 2 gel, 15g
Expiration Date: 11/2025
Russian Pharmacy name:
Блефарогель 2 гель, 15г
Apply Blepharogel 2 with fingertips to the surface and ciliary edges of the lower and upper eyelids.
Apply to your fingertips and massage the eyelids, including the ciliary margin, in gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes.
For chronic blepharitis, it is recommended to use the gel 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after washing, until the signs of blepharitis disappear.
For the prevention of blepharitis and barley, use daily 1 time a day before bedtime. Blepharogel 1 is also used in physiotherapy, phonophoresis, magnetophoresis and electrophoresis.
1. To cleanse the skin and the edges of the eyelids, a small amount of gel is squeezed out of the bottle on a cotton swab, and then, using a cotton swab, cleanse with light movements, removing skin scales, dust, mucus, sebaceous secretions, etc.
2. To massage the eyelids, a few drops of gel are applied to the previously cleansed skin and then with light movements with pressure with fingertips or with a glass rod, massage is performed depending on the indications (to remove plugs from the ducts of the meibomian glands, to improve blood circulation in the eyelids, etc.). etc.).
3. For carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, a few drops of Blepharogel 1 are applied to the skin of the eyelids, after which an ultrasonic or electric sensor is placed on them, depending on the indications, and the necessary procedure is carried out.
To obtain the maximum effect from carrying out medical and preventive procedures, before using Blefarogel 2, it is recommended to cleanse the eyelids and warm compresses with Blepharo Lotion or Blepharo Napkin.
Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methylparaben, propylparaben, deionized water.
Individual intolerance to the components
Medical product for the care of the eyelids. An irreplaceable remedy for the treatment of eyelid demodicosis and blepharitis - inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, which is accompanied by itching and loss of eyelashes. The composition of Blefarogel 2 includes sulfur preparations that cleanse the excretory ducts of the glands at the edges of the eyelids and normalize their secretion. Eyelid massage using Blepharogel 2 improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the eyelid area, normalizes the outflow of the secretion of the meibomian glands, increasing the stability of the tear film, eliminating the 'dryness' of the eye and relieving the feeling of eye fatigue, therefore ophthalmologists recommend using it also for those who wear contact lenses and works at the computer for a long time.
Appearance and properties: Viscous, transparent gel-like substance
Gel Blefarogel 2 is intended for:
Х for hygienic cleansing of the skin and edges of the eyelids before massage and physiotherapy procedures on the eyelids;
Х for medical massage of the eyelids;
Х for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures on the eyelids (phonophoresis, electrophoresis) as contact media for ultrasonic sensors or electrodes.
The gel provides tight (airless) contact of the physiotherapy sensors with the eyelid skin and provides good sliding of the fingers during massage over the eyelid surface. Due to the micellar structure and moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid, Blepharogel 2 has high cleansing properties.
relieves redness, inflammation, swelling of the eyelids;
helps to cleanse the skin from scales and crusts;
is a moisturizer;
used to prevent barley and inflammation;
relieves eye fatigue, eliminates dry eye symptom.
Active ingredients
Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is found in the cells of a living organism. It is responsible for the water balance in the intercellular space, and is also a natural lubricant and leads to the synovial fluid and cartilage. In cosmetics, hyaluronic acid helps to retain moisture in the skin, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.
Aloe vera juice is a plant component, which includes vitamins A, C, B, salicylic acid, and a complex of amino acids. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, soothing, regenerating properties.
Glycerin - has moisturizing and softening properties.
Hyaluronic acid regulates the moisture content in cells, influences the processes of migration and differentiation of cells. Thanks to the action of hyaluronic acid, the ducts of the sebaceous, meibomian, sweat glands of the eyelids are cleared from plugs and their secretion is normalized. The skin is hydrated, it becomes more elastic.
Aloe Vera extract, which has antiseptic properties, improves the metabolism in the skin of the eyelids, relieves puffiness and other symptoms of irritation.
Sulfur preparations have antiseptic and acaricidal action. Doctors often prescribe sulfur preparations to treat skin conditions, including those caused by blockages in the sebaceous ducts. Sulfur helps to slowly cleanse the excretory ducts of the glands at the edges of the eyelids and normalizes their secretion. It is sulfur preparations, with regular use of Blefarogel 2, that destroy Demodex mites in the roots of eyelashes in people with Demodectic mange.
Indications for use:
Blepharogels 1 and 2 are used as hygienic means for cleansing the skin and edges of the eyelids and as contact media for medical procedures on the eyelids: massage, physiotherapy procedures. Blepharogels 1 and 2 do not irritate the skin and eyelid margins and do not require removal from the skin surface after procedures.
Blepharogel 2 better cleans the skin and edges of the eyelids from the sebaceous secretion of the meibomian glands, compared to Blepharogel 1. Cleansing the skin of the eyelids with Blepharogels 1 and 2 is an effective way of eyelid hygiene for the prevention of inflammatory diseases - blepharitis, demo-decosa of the eyelids and 'dry eye' ...