Cerebrum compositum n solution 2.2 ml, No. 5
Expiration Date: 11/2025
Russian Pharmacy name:
Церебрум композитум н раствор 2,2мл, №5
encephalopathy of various origins (memory disorder, attention);
stimulation of regeneration processes and nonspecific immunity.
S / c, i / m, i / c - 1 amp each. (2.2 ml) 1-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 4Ц6 weeks. Repeated courses of treatment are possible after agreement with the attending physician.
Opening the ampoule. The contents in the head of the ampoule should be shaken off by light tapping (the colored dot should be at the top). After that, the upper part of the ampoule is broken off by pressing at the place where the colored dot is applied.
Homeopathic injection solution | 1 amp. (2.2 ml) |
active substances: | |
Cerebrum suis D8 | 22 ?l |
Embryo totalis suis (embryo totalis suis) D10 | 22 ?l |
Hepar suis D10 | 22 ?l |
Placenta totalis suis (placenta totalis suis) D10 | 22 ?l |
Kalium phosphoricum (potassium phosphoricum) D6 | 22 ?l |
Selenium (selenium) D10 | 22 ?l |
Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) (thuja occidentalis (thuja) D6 | 22 ?l |
Strychnos ignatii (Ignatia) D8 | 22 ?l |
Bothrops lanceolatus D10 | 22 ?l |
Phosphoricum acid (phosphoricum acid) D10 | 22 ?l |
Chinchona pubescens (China) D4 | 22 ?l |
Sulfur D10 | 22 ?l |
Kalium bichromicum (kalium bichromicum) D8 | 22 ?l |
Gelsemium sempervirens (Gelsemium) (gelsemium sempervirens (gelsemium) D4 | 22 ?l |
Ruta graveolens (Ruta) (Ruta graveolens (Ruta) D4 | 22 ?l |
Arnica montana (Arnica) D28 | 22 ?l |
Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesculus) (esculus hippocastanum (esculus) D4 | 22 ?l |
Manganum phosphoricum (manganum phosphoricum) D8 | 22 ?l |
Magnesium phosphoricum D10 | 22 ?l |
Semecarpus anacardium (Anacardium) (semecarpus anacardium (anacardium) D6 | 22 ?l |
Conium maculatum (Conium) (conium maculatum (conium) D4 | 22 ?l |
Medorrhinum-Nosode D13 | 22 ?l |
Hyoscyamus niger (Hyoscyamus) (chioscyamus niger (chioscyamus) D6 | 22 ?l |
Aconitum napellus (Aconitum) (aconitum napellus (aconitum) D6 | 22 ?l |
Anamirta cocculus (Cocculus) D4 | 22 ?l |
Ambra grisea (Ambra) D10 | 22 ?l |
excipients: sodium chloride to establish isotonia - about 9 mg / ml; water for injection - up to 2.2 ml |
increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
known hypersensitivity to quinine;
children under 18 years of age (due to lack of clinical data).