Deltsid for dogs 5 ampoules of 2 ml

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Deltsid for dogs 5 ampoules of 2 ml


Delcid (Delcid) - a solution for external use for the treatment of sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs with arachnoentomosis. In appearance, the drug is an oily transparent liquid from colorless to yellow-brown in color. When mixed with water, forms a stable whitish emulsion.


The drug in 1 ml contains 40 mg of deltamethrin as an active ingredient, and as auxiliary substances: tween-80, neonol and nefras.


Delcid belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of insectoacaricidal agents. Deltamethrin, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of synthetic pyrethroids, has intestinal and contact insectoacaricidal action.

It is active against sarcoptoid, ixodid, argasid and gamase (chicken) ticks, bedbugs, downy eaters, lice, fleas, flies, gadflies, horseflies, mosquitoes and other ectoparasites of animals, including birds.

The mechanism of action of deltamethrin is based on blocking the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses at the level of ranlions of peripheral nerves, which leads to paralysis and death of parasites.

Delcid, according to the degree of impact on the body, belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses and concentrations it does not have a local irritating and resorptive-toxic effect. Causes mild irritation on contact with mucous membranes. Toxic to fish, bees and other arthropods.


It is used for treating sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs with arachnoentomoses, as well as for disinsection and deacarization of livestock and poultry buildings and other objects of veterinary supervision.

Animals against ectoparasites are treated with an aqueous emulsion of the drug by spraying or bathing (sheep) in floating baths.

A working aqueous emulsion of the drug is prepared immediately before use. In this case, the volume of the aqueous emulsion required for processing and the amount of the drug required for its preparation are determined.

The required amount of the drug is thoroughly mixed with 2-3 volumes of cool tap water, and then embroidered into a float bath or the reservoir of a spray device, adding water with stirring to the required volume.

Preparation of an aqueous emulsion of the drug:

td> 1.6 td> 2.1 td> 8 - 1.6 td> 6.6 td> 1.6

Ectoparasites Deltamethrin concentration,% The amount of the drug per 100 l of water, ml Amount of water for dilution of 1 ampoule of the drug, l

Scabies mites 0.005 125

Ixodid ticks 0.00375 94

Flies and other two-winged blood-sucking insects 0.001 - with medium-volume spraying; 0.005 - for low-volume spraying. 25, 125

Lice, lice 0.0012 thirty

Disinsection and deacarization of premises 0.005 125

Bathing sheep in swimming baths with psoroptosis

Before processing, the sheep should be kept on a starvation diet for at least 1 O hours, and 2 hours before processing the animals should be watered. After shearing, the sheep are bathed no earlier than three days later. Lambs under 1 month old are bathed separately from adult animals.

Bathing is carried out in dry weather at an air temperature not lower than 12 ° C and a bathing water emulsion 15 ° C - 20 • s. It is not recommended to handle animals in hot weather.

The duration of the bathing of the sheep is 50-60 seconds. with the obligatory short-term immersion of the head. After leaving the bath, the sheep are left for 10-15 minutes on a special platform with a settling well to drain the emulsion and then distilled into a pen.

Before mass processing, each batch of the drug is recommended to be tested on a small group of animals (7-10 heads) of different fatness. In the absence of complications in animals within 48 hours, all livestock are treated.

As the water emulsion of the drug decreases (carried away by animals) in the bath by 12-15%, it is refueled to the initial level using an aqueous emulsion prepared at the rate of 200 ml of the drug per 100 l of water. After 3-4 refueling of the bath or after completion of the treatment of the sheep, the emulsion remaining in the bath is poured into settling wells, avoiding environmental pollution; the bath is cleaned of dirt, washed with water and prepared for subsequent use.

Spraying is carried out using horizontal universal spray booms (SHGRU) or other stationary and portable spray devices that provide fine-droplet spraying installed at the gates of summer corrals.

The affected areas of the animal's body are especially carefully treated.

Animals are not treated in rainy and cold weather. Milking cows are allowed to be treated with the drug no later than 7-8 hours before the next milking.

The animal is sequentially sprayed, starting with the auricles, then the head, body, tail, the area around the anus and limbs. Moisten the animal's hair and let it dry without rinsing the preparation. When processing, avoid contact with the drug on the mucous membranes.

For the treatment of rabbits with psoroptosis (ear scabies), a swab moistened with an aqueous emulsion of the drug prepared at the rate of 1.25 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water, treat the inner surface of each auricle and, folding it lengthwise and in half, lightly massage the base for a more complete treatment the entire surface of the ear and ear canal. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 7 -1O days.

Dogs with entomoses (lice, lice, fleas) and sarcoptic mange are sprayed or bathed in an aqueous emulsion of the drug. The animal is sequentially sprayed against hair growth, starting with the auricles, then the head, body, tail, the area around the anus and limbs. Moisten the animal's hair and let it dry without rinsing the preparation. When processing, avoid contact with the drug on the mucous membranes. It is not recommended to bathe the animal using detergents for 3 days before and after treatment with the drug. Only freshly prepared emulsion should be used.

Ectoparasites Dilution and use of the drug

Scabies mites 1.25 ml of the drug per 1 liter of cool tap water or 1 ampoule per 1.6 liters of water. For prophylactic purposes -1 times, with therapeutic - 2-3 times with an interval of 7-1 O days until the animal's clinical recovery, confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies

Lice, fleas, lice 1.25 ml of the drug per 1 liter of cool tap water or 1 ampoule per 1.6 liters of water.

Repeated treatments - according to indications

Treatment is carried out with sarcoptic mange 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days until the animal's clinical recovery, confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies, with entomoses - according to indications.

Spraying is carried out in the open air (at a temperature not lower than 15 В° C) or in well-ventilated rooms with open windows (vents).

Do not allow animals to lick the drug for at least 15-20 minutes after treatment, for which the animals wear a muzzle or close their jaws with a loop of braid.

Disinsection and deacarization of poultry and livestock buildings. It is used to treat surfaces against flying and crawling arthropods, including the red chicken mite (Dermanyssus gallinae), downy eaters, argas and cat mites, bugs, cockroaches, flies and other insects. An aqueous emulsion of the drug is used, prepared at the rate of 125 ml of the drug per 100 l of water (1 ampoule per 1.6 l of water), with the consumption rate indicated in the table.

Parasites Consumption rate of the aqueous emulsion of the drug Application scheme

Crawling insects and mites, including the fenced chicken mite (Dermanyssus gallinae), puffin eaters, argasid and koshar mites, bedbugs, cockroaches. - 2.5 l / 100 m2 for a smooth surface; - 5 l / 100 m2 for porous surfaces Spray walls, ceilings, support posts, cages, manure trenches under cage batteries, utilities. 2 times at a room temperature of 15 В° C -20 В° C - with an interval of 10-20 days; - at a temperature interval of 5-8 days. higher

Flying insects, including zoophilic flies. 8-10l / 100 m2 Selective spraying of insect sites (windows, walls, doors, support beams, etc.).

Processing in the presence of animals and poultry with operating ventilation or open doors is allowed. Before processing, the remains of feed, water, dairy equipment are preliminarily removed from the premises, the milking equipment is covered with plastic wrap, and eggs are collected. Poultry and animals are not processed. Supply ventilation is not turned off. In the presence of animals or birds, it is recommended to process no more than 2/3 of the total area of ​​the room.

After 1-1.5 hours after treatment, the room is ventilated for at least 1 hour and the service personnel are allowed in, the dead arthropods are swept away and disposed of, the feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed.


When working with a medicinal product, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided for when working with a medicine.






Temperature regime

from 0 to +30


for the treatment of sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs with arachnoentomosis

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