Deltsid for farm animals 5 ampoules of 2 ml

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Deltsid for farm animals 5 ampoules of 2 ml


Delcid (Delcid) is an insectoacaricidal drug in the form of an emulsion concentrate for external use, designed to combat animal ectoparasites, disinsection and deacarization of livestock buildings. In appearance, Delcid is an oily transparent liquid from yellow to brown in color. When mixed with water, it forms a stable white emulsion.


It is used for insectoacaricidal treatment of both animals and their habitats

Convenient and economical (available as a concentrate)

High efficiency for indoor spraying

Versatile - acts on both insects and ticks


Delcid as an active ingredient contains synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin - 4.0%, and as auxiliary components tween 80, neonol and nefras.


The drug for external use as an active substance contains synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin - 4.0%. Deltamethrin has a pronounced insectoacaricidal intestinal and contact effect. It is active against sarcoptoid, ixodid and chicken ticks, bed bugs, downy eaters, lice, fleas, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes and other ectoparasites of animals.

The mechanism of action of deltamethrin is based on blocking the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses at the level of peripheral nerve ganglions, which leads to paralysis and death of parasites.

Delcid in the recommended doses does not have a local irritating, resorptive-toxic and sensitizing effect. Causes mild irritation on contact with mucous membranes. Toxic to fish and bees.


For the treatment of sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs with arachno-entomoses, as well as for disinsection and deacarization of livestock buildings and other objects of veterinary supervision.


Animals are treated by spraying or bathing in floating baths.

The working emulsion is prepared immediately before use under the guidance of a veterinarian or veterinary paramedic. This determines the volume of the emulsion required for processing and the amount of Delcide that is required for its preparation.

The required volume of Delcid is thoroughly mixed with 2–3 volumes of water, and then poured into a flowing bath with water or the reservoir of a spray device, adding water with stirring to the required volume.

Before use, Deltsid is diluted to the required concentration with cool tap water.

Spray treatment: preparation of an emulsion - dilute the measured amount of Delcid in several liters of water, pour the resulting solution into the reservoir of the spray device, add the required amount of water, mix thoroughly. The sequence of spraying the animal: ears, head, body, tail, area around the anus, limbs. Do not rinse the drug, do not allow Delcid to get into the eyes, mouth, nose of the animal. Especially carefully treat the affected areas of the animal's body.

Spraying is carried out using horizontal universal spray booms (SHGRU) or other spray devices that provide fine-droplet spraying installed at the gates of summer corrals.

The processing time is determined depending on the dominant components of the gnat and meteorological conditions: with a high number of horseflies and midges, animals are treated after morning milking, and with a high number of mosquitoes and biting midges - after evening milking once a day. With a moderate number of gnats, treatments are carried out every 2-3 days, and when only grazing flies are attacked, every 7-10 days. Animals are not treated in rainy and cold weather.

Milking cows in the modes recommended for protection from midges and pasture flies are allowed to be treated with Delcid no later than 7 hours before the next milking.

The required amount of Delcid for the preparation of 100 liters of working emulsion: scabies mites - preparation of 0.125% water emulsion. For prophylactic purposes - once. With a therapeutic one - twice with an interval of 10-14 days (in rabbits, the ears are treated with an interval of 7-10 days). Consumption of working emulsion: cattle - 1.5-3 l / animal, pigs - 0.5-1 l / animal.

Treatment of animals by bathing: before treatment, animals must be watered 2 hours before treatment. After shearing, the sheep are bathed no earlier than 3 days later.

Lambs under 1 month old are bathed separately from adult animals. It is not recommended to handle animals in hot weather. Before processing animals, the bath is cleaned. The required amount of Delcid is mixed with 2 corresponding volumes of water and poured into the bath, the volume of water in the bath is adjusted to the calculated one. 20 animals are passed through the bath, these animals are re-treated. Then all livestock are treated. After the animals have taken out 10% of the working emulsion from the bath, the bath is topped up at the rate of 1.2 liters of Delcide for each ton of added water. After processing 2,5-3 thousand sheep, the liquid from the bath is poured into settling wells, the bath is cleaned and washed for the next processing.

Treatment of Premises: Deltsid is used for treatment of premises, shelters, corrals. Processing in the presence of animals and birds is allowed. It is used for surface treatment against all flying and crawling arthropods, including against red chicken mites, downy eaters, argas and cat mites, bedbugs, cockroaches, flies and other insects. The treatment is carried out by aerosol method or by fine-droplet spraying with 0.125% water emulsion.

Disinsection and deacarization of poultry premises against bedbugs, argas, chicken ticks and cockroaches is carried out in the absence of poultry during the technological break, using 0.125% Delcid water emulsion by aerosol method. Spray walls, ceilings, support posts, manure trenches under cell batteries. Eggs are collected before processing.

After 1 hour after treatment, the room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, the dead ectoparasites are swept away and disposed of, the feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed and then the bird is placed in the room.

Processing of premises in the presence of a bird is allowed, without violating the technological regime. In this case, no more than 2/3 of the total area of ​​the premises is sprayed.

Processing is carried out with ventilation running or open doors, birds and equipment are not processed. Supply ventilation is switched off for the duration of treatment (30–40 minutes). Service personnel are allowed into the premises no earlier than 30 minutes after processing.

Poultry premises are treated twice, taking into account the development cycle of parasites, at an air temperature in the house of 15–20 ° С - with an interval of 10–20 days, at temperatures above 20 ° С - with an interval of 5–8 days.

Against zoophilic flies, disinsection of livestock buildings, feed kitchens, artificial insemination points and other objects of veterinary supervision is used 0.125% Delcid water emulsion by selective spraying of insect planting sites (windows, walls, doors, support beams, etc.) with a consumption rate of 80-100 ml / m2 of the treated surface.

Before disinfestation, the remnants of feed, water, dairy equipment are preliminarily removed from the premises, the milking equipment is covered with plastic wrap. After 1–1.5 hours after treatment, the room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, the dead flies are swept away and disposed of, the feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed, and then the animals are placed in the room.

Before mass processing, each batch of the preparation is preliminarily tested on a small group of animals (7-10 heads) of different fatness. In the absence of complications in the animals within 48 hours, the entire livestock is processed.


Sick and emaciated animals, as well as females no later than 2 weeks before delivery, are not allowed to process. The combined use of Delcid and organophosphate insecticides is not recommended, due to the increased toxicity of the drug.

After finishing treatment, workers should wash their face and hands with soap and water. In case of accidental contact of the drug on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, immediately wash it off with a stream of water. If the drug gets inside, give the victim several glasses of warm water and 8-10 tablets of activated carbon.

Slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs for meat is allowed 15 days after treatment, rabbits - 3 days after the last treatment. In the event of the forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as feed for animals or for processing into meat and bone meal.

Milk of dairy cows treated against sarcoptoid ticks and lice is allowed to be used for food purposes not earlier than 3 days after treatment with Delcid, milk from animals treated against horseflies, pasture flies and midges is allowed to be used without restrictions.


It is not allowed to use Delcid to treat weakened and emaciated animals, as well as females later than 2 weeks before delivery.


When used in accordance with the instructions, side effects and complications are usually not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of animals to deltamethrin and the appearance of complications (excessive salivation, muscle tremors, vomiting), the treatment is stopped, the drug is washed off with a detergent and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy. In this case, further analysis






Temperature regime

from 0 to +30


for combating animal ectoparasites, disinsection and deacarization of livestock buildings

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