Diabak for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning 1l

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Diabak for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning 1l


Diabak is a concentrated agent for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning. Transparent liquid from blue to violet with a scent odor.


Contains alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (11%) as an active ingredient, functional additives, formula activators, corrosion inhibitor, and other components.


The agent has antimicrobial activity against various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including pathogens of tuberculosis, nosocomial (nosocomial infections) and especially dangerous infections (plague, cholera, anthrax), fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes and molds, viruses (including influenza including H5N1 avian influenza A, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, HIV).

The product has detergent properties, does not cause corrosion of metals, does not spoil the treated surfaces, does not discolor fabrics, does not fix organic pollution. The product destroys stains and deposits of grease, oil, soot, protein deposits and many other hard-to-remove substances from surfaces made of any materials (glass, mirrors, metals, ceramics, carpets, leather, chrome-plated products, concrete, tiles, rubber, plastic, vinyl, porcelain , faience and others, including porous).

The product is incompatible with soaps and anionic surfactants.

According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach, the drug belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances; when applied to the skin - to class 4 of low hazardous substances according to the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76. When introduced into the peritoneum, it belongs to practically non-toxic substances (class 5 according to K.K.Sidorov). When inhaled in the form of vapors in terms of the degree of volatility (C20), the agent is also not very dangerous; in the form of an aerosol, the agent has a general toxic effect corresponding to the threshold of acute single action. The concentrate of the product in contact with the skin and conjunctiva of the eye is irritating. Working solutions with a single exposure do not have a local irritating effect on contact with the skin and do not cause pronounced irritation of the eye mucosa.

Maximum concentration limit in the air of the working area for alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride - 1 mg / m3, aerosol.


The product is intended for: disinfection and washing of surfaces in rooms (including for general cleaning), hard furniture, furnishings, surfaces of apparatus, instruments, sanitary equipment, linen, dishes (including laboratory ones), patient care items , cleaning material, toys, shoes, rubber mats, ambulance transport for bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral (including influenza, including H5N1 avian influenza A, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, HIV infection), fungal (candidiasis, dermatophytosis) etiology and especially dangerous infections (plague, cholera and anthrax), in medical and preventive institutions (LPI) 1 (including neonatological departments), children's institutions, infectious foci, communal facilities, food production,catering and trade establishments, industrial markets, educational, social and penitentiary institutions, public toilets;

In health care facilities: disinfection of jugs and accessories to them; disinfection of anesthetic and respiratory equipment and accessories to it (including anesthetic hoses); disinfection and washing of dental impressions made of alginate, silicone materials, polyester resin; denture blanks made of metals, ceramics, plastics and other materials; articulators; saliva ejectors and suction units used in dentistry; disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning (including combined with disinfection), medical products (including surgical and dental, including rotating, instruments, flexible and rigid endoscopes and instruments for them) in health care facilities; disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning, including combined with disinfection, of medical instruments in ultrasonic installations; disinfection of medical waste (including medical products, dressings, linen and other disposable products) before their disposal; disinfection of special equipment, overalls and tools for hairdressing salons, massage parlors, baths, saunas, clubs, beauty salons, laundries and sanitary checkpoints and other public service facilities; disinfection of footwear in order to prevent infections of fungal etiology (mycoses of the feet); disinfection of transport: railway, subway (including railway stations, stations and subway cars, passenger trains of various types, service and special purpose cars, cars - restaurants and buffets, stationary facilities of departmental subordination) 2, automobile; transport for transportation of food products and food raw materials; disinfection, cleaning, washing and deodorizing garbage collection equipment, garbage trucks and garbage bins; disinfection of the contents of storage tanks of autonomous toilets that do not have a drain to the sewer, as well as surfaces in the cabins of autonomous toilets and dry closets; disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems; fight against mold.

Consumption of funds on the surface using the Kvazar irrigation method 150ml / m2.

Consumption of funds on the surface by means of irrigation with a hydraulic control unit 300 ml / m2.

The consumption of the product on the surface by wiping is 100ml / m2.

Processing is carried out by means of wiping, irrigation, immersion. For the treatment of objects with infections of various etiologies, concentrations of 0.25-12.0% are used. For the treatment of surfaces, endoscopes and instruments for them, medical products (including dental instruments, denture impressions and workpieces), solutions are used in concentrations: for bacterial infections - 0.25%, for tuberculosis - 2.0%, for viral infections -3 ,five%. The holding time is 60 minutes. In case of especially dangerous infections, the surfaces are treated with a 0.5% solution of the agent, the holding time is 45 minutes.


All work with the product should be carried out with skin protection with rubber gloves.

Avoid contact with eyes and skin.

The surface treatment with solutions of the wiping agent can be carried out without respiratory protection and in the presence of people.

Surface treatment with solutions of the agent by means of irrigation should be carried out in the absence of people with respiratory protection using universal respirators of the RPG-67 or RU-60M type with a B cartridge, and the eye - with goggles.

Disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems is carried out with their complete shutdown with the involvement and under the guidance of ventilation engineers.

Containers with a solution of the product must be tightly closed.

After processing with the working solution, the dishes must be rinsed with running water for at least 3 minutes using a brush, brush or sponge.


The shelf life of the product, provided that it is stored in the manufacturer's closed packaging, is 5 years, working solutions - 14 days.

Store in covered warehouses in places protected from moisture and sunlight, away from heating devices and open fire at temperatures from -20 В° C to +30 В° C.


The product is available in 1 liter polymer bottles.


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Disinfectants (chlorine)






according to instructions


DV: active chlorine. Concentrated disinfectant and pre-sterilization cleaning agent

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