Dironet Spot-On for dogs 4 pipettes, 1.0 ml each

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Dironet Spot-On for dogs 4 pipettes, 1.0 ml each


Dironet Spot-On for dogs - drops on the withers from round and tape helminths, as well as fleas, lice, lice, sarcoptoid and demodectic mites.


Remedy for helminths in the form of drops on the withers

Quickly and effectively rid the animal of all types of helminths and external parasites

Ideal for capricious pets who refuse pills and suspensions

Provides maximum healing effect without stress in the animal


The drug as active ingredients in 1ml, depending on the modification, respectively, contains: Dironet spot-on for dogs - 85mg of praziquantel and 20mg of ivermectin, Dironet spot-on for cats - 85mg of praziquantel and 5mg of ivermectin, as well as auxiliary substances.


Dironet Spot-on with a broad spectrum of antiparasitic action, is active against larval and mature phases of development of intestinal nematodes, including Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma spp., Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichcus vulpislocis, cestodes, including cestodes , Diphyllobothrium latum, Dipylidium caninum, Multiceps multiceps, Taenia spp., Mesocestoides lineatus, fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.), Lice (Linognatus setotus), whip-eaters (Trichodectes canis), sarcoptoid, demodecide (Sartodectesctes) Demodex canis) ticks that parasitize dogs and cats.

After dermal application, the drug, being absorbed from the site of application, enters the systemic circulation, organs and tissues of the animal, providing an effective antiparasitic effect.

It has an insectoacaricidal effect on fleas, lice, lice, sarcoptoid and demodectic mites that are on animals at the time of treatment.

The mechanism of action of the ivermectin, which is part of the drug, is its effect on the magnitude of the current of chlorine ions through the membranes of the nerve and muscle cells of the parasite. The main targets are glutamate-sensitive chlorine channels and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. A change in the current of chlorine ions disrupts the conduction of impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of ectoparasites and nematodes.

The mechanism of action of praziquantel is based on depolarization of neuromuscular ganglion blockers, impaired glucose transport and microtubular function of all phases of cestode development, which causes impaired muscle innervation, paralysis and death of parasites.


Dironet spot-on is prescribed for adult dogs and cats, puppies and kittens over 2 months of age for the treatment and prevention of intestinal nematodes, cestodes, entomoses, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis and demodicosis.


The drug is applied to animals by spot-on application on dry intact skin.

Before use, break off the tip of a tube-pipette and, having parted the fur, apply the drug to the animal on the skin along the spine, in places inaccessible for licking the drug - in the neck area at the base of the skull or between the shoulder blades.

When processing large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places.

The minimum therapeutic dose of the drug for adult animals is 0.2 ml / kg of animal weight. The minimum therapeutic dose for puppies and kittens is 0.1 ml / kg body weight. Taking into account the type, age and weight of the treated animal, choose a tube-pipette of the required volume or a combination thereof and apply the drug in the doses indicated in the table.

Kind of animal Animal weight Drug dose

Kittens from 2 months of age up to 1kg 3 drops

more than 1kg 5 drops

Adult cats up to 5kg * 1 pipette

Puppies from 2 months of age up to 2kg 5 drops

from 2kg to 5kg 1 pipette

more than 5kg 2 pipettes

Adult dogs from 2kg to 5kg 1 pipette

from 5kg to 10kg 2 pipettes

from 10kg to 20kg 4 pipettes

from 20kg to 30kg * 6 pipettes

To destroy fleas, lice and lice, the animal is treated once, to prevent re-invasion - once a month throughout the entire season of insect activity.

For the treatment of otodectosis (ear scabies), the drug is applied to the skin once. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month. In the course of treatment, it is recommended to clean the ear canal from exudate and scabs, and in case of complications from otitis media, prescribe antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. With a therapeutic purpose in sarcoptic mange and demodicosis of dogs and notoedrosis of cats, the drug is used 2-4 times with an interval of 10-14 days until two-fold negative results of acarological research are obtained; in order to prevent possible invasion - once a month. Treatment is recommended in a complex manner with the use of etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use.

For deworming animals with nematodes and cestodoses of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is used for therapeutic purposes once, with prophylactic purposes - once a quarter.


Do not apply to damp or damaged skin, wash the animal within 4 days after treatment with the drug, and also use it simultaneously with other antiparasitic drugs.

If necessary, the use of the drug in collie, bobtail and sheltie puppies, due to the increased sensitivity of these breeds to ivermectin, the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending veterinarian.


Increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. Dironet spot-on is prohibited for use in puppies and kittens younger than 2 months of age, pregnant, lactating, sick with infectious diseases and recovering animals.


When using the drug according to the instructions, side effects and complications are not observed. In rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity to the drug, lacrimation, excessive salivation, muscle tremors, vomiting or signs of skin irritation at the site of application of the drug are possible. In these cases, the use of the drug is discontinued and washed off with soap and water or zoo shampoo.


Store the drug in its original packaging, protected from light and moisture, out of reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, at temperatures from 0 В° C to 30 В° C.


Dironet spot-on for dogs is packaged in 1 ml polymer tube-pipettes, which are packed in 4 pieces in cardboard boxes.



one hundred



Temperature regime

from 0 to +30


drug for dogs against round and tape worms, as well as fleas, lice, lice, sarcoptoid and demodectic mites

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