Disinfexan 20L
Desinfeksan (Desinfeksan) is a disinfectant intended for disinfection of objects of veterinary supervision and prevention of invasive and infectious animal diseases, including African swine fever. Disinfexan is a clear liquid from colorless to yellow in appearance. The product mixes well with water in any ratio.
Desinfexan contains 100 mg / ml glutaraldehyde as active ingredients, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride - 170 mg / ml, didecyldimethylammonium chloride - 80 mg / ml, excipients - fir essential oil, synthanol DS-1 O, isopropyl alcohol, EDTA, penogas -1520, citric acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and drinking water up to 1 ml.
Disinfexan has a wide spectrum of disinfecting action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis and spore-forming forms), viruses (including African swine fever virus), fungi (including spore-forming forms, yeast and mold) and parasites (protozoa and roundworm eggs).
According to the degree of impact on the body, the agent belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). The product is irritating on contact with the skin and conjunctiva of the eye; does not possess sensitizing activity.
Disinfexan is used for preventive and forced disinfection of objects of veterinary supervision, including: livestock, poultry and fur farming facilities, beekeeping facilities, as well as the technological equipment located in them, auxiliary facilities (including hatcheries, egg storage facilities), dairy blocks and feed kitchens, sanitary equipment , sanitary slaughterhouses, open objects (ramps, flyovers, platforms), containers and overalls, beehives, inventory, winter houses, equipment, beekeepers' overalls; production premises, technological equipment and the territory of enterprises of biological, food, processing industries, as well as containers and overalls; vehicles: motor transport, water transport (sea and river vessels, barges), railway cars (freight and refrigerated), containers used for the transportation of animals and poultry, as well as raw materials and products of animal origin; veterinary clinics (stations), laboratories, vivariums, circuses and zoos.
Before disinfection, it is necessary to carry out a thorough mechanical cleaning, washing and degreasing of the disinfected surfaces, since organic contaminants reduce the disinfecting activity of the agent. Disinfection is carried out by means of small-drop irrigation of the surfaces of premises and technological equipment in the absence of animals, birds and bees, slaughter products and raw materials of animal origin using disinfectants.
Working solutions are prepared in glass, enameled (without damaging the enamel) or plastic containers by adding appropriate amounts of the agent to tap water with a temperature of 18-25 В° C. When calculating the concentration of working solutions, the agent is taken as 100% substance.
Preventive disinfection of the surfaces of the above objects and technological equipment is carried out: smooth surfaces (metal, tiles, walls painted with oil paint or covered with a whitewash mixture, non-porous plastic, etc.) - 0.25% solution at a consumption rate of 0.25 l / m2 and exposure 1 h; rough surfaces (wood, brick, cement, supporting concrete beams, slotted floors, manure removal channels, etc.) - 0.25% at a consumption rate of 0.35 l / m2 and an exposure of 1 hour.
To carry out forced disinfection (current and final) for infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology, the causative agents of which, in terms of resistance to disinfectants, are classified as unstable (group 1) and resistant (group 2), of the above objects with smooth or rough surfaces, an aqueous (working) solution of Desinfexan is used at a concentration of 0.5% at a consumption rate of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 1 hour by the method of fine-drop irrigation, generating foam or wiping the disinfected surfaces.
In case of tuberculosis of animals and poultry (3rd group of highly resistant pathogens), objects are disinfected with a 2% solution at a consumption rate of 0.3 l / m2 and an exposure of 1 hour.
Forced (current and final) disinfection for diseases of fungal etiology is carried out: with candidiasis - 0.5% solution and exposure for 1 hour; with aspergillosis and dermatophytosis - 2% solution and exposure for 1 hour. Consumption rates: 0.3 l / m2.
Disinfection for spore infections and exotic diseases of unexplained etiology is carried out with 5% solution twice with an interval of 1 hour at a consumption rate of 0.3 l / m2 for each irrigation and exposure of 3 hours.
Forced (current and final) disinfection for African swine fever (AFS) is carried out with a 2% solution at a consumption rate of 0.3 l / m2 and an exposure of 1 hour.
Disinfection (prophylactic or forced) by aerosol spraying of a working solution of Desinfexan in the form of a fog is carried out using generators or other similar equipment. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of Disinfexan per 1 m3 of the room. For effective distribution of the active substance, Disinfexan should be diluted with water (1 part of Disinfexan to 4 parts of water). The working solution is sprayed with ventilation off with an exposure of 3 hours.
Disinfection of surfaces at sanitary abattoirs of meat-packing plants and slaughterhouses is carried out with a 0.5% solution at a consumption rate of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 3 hours.
Disinfection of livestock buildings is carried out in the absence of animals, birds and bees. After the expiration of the established disinfection exposure of the object, the places of possible accumulation of disinfectant residues accessible to animals (including feeders, drinkers and other surface areas) are washed with water. Rinsing of disinfectant residues from other surfaces is not required. Animals are brought into the premises after airing.
Disinfection of hatching eggs is carried out by the method of 'cold fog' and spray. For processing by the fog method, working solutions of the Disinfexan agent in a concentration of 5-1O% are used. To prepare the solution, use pure tap water with a temperature of 30-40 В° C. Treatment should be carried out in a sealed chamber (desiccamera) using cold fog generators. The working solution is sprayed at the rate of 5-1O ml per 1 m3. The exposure is 20 minutes, after which the airing is carried out. For disinfection using the spray method, a 0.5% working solution of Disinfexan is used. To prepare the solution, use pure tap water with a temperature of 35-40 В° C. For application of the agent, large-droplet spraying nozzles are used, intended for water-soluble agents. The main condition is to ensure uniform coverage of the entire surface with the working solution. Processing is carried out until the shell is evenly moistened. The exposition is 20-40 minutes.
For preventive disinfection and simultaneous disinsection (deacarization) of livestock buildings, Desinfexan is used in 0.25% concentration in a composition with Diazinon-Eurovet, Ekoflis, Neostomozan, Cyperil, Solfisan, Altetsid. Insectoacaricidal drugs are used at the concentrations indicated in the instructions for their use. DisinfexВ® is added to the finished working solution of insectoacaricide (250 ml per 100 liters of ready-made solution of insectoacaricide). The consumption rate is 0.25 l / m2 with an exposure of 1 hour. After the specified exposure, the places of possible accumulation of residues of the working solution accessible to animals (including feeders, drinkers and other areas of surfaces) are washed with water. Dead insects and ticks are swept away and destroyed.
For the destruction of helminth eggs (nematodes) at veterinary inspection facilities, Disinfexan is used in 1% concentration at a consumption rate of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure time of 4 hours.
For the destruction of protozoan oocysts at veterinary inspection facilities, Disinfexan is used in 0.5% concentration at a consumption rate of 0.25 l / m2 of working solution. Exposure - 15 minutes, after which the product is washed off with water.
Disinfection barriers or disinfectants are filled with a 0.5% solution of Disinfexan. Replace the disinfectant solution as needed, but at least once every 20 days.
The shelf life of the disinfectant, subject to storage conditions in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, is 3 years from the date of production. The shelf life of working solutions is within 20 days.
Store Disinfexan in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, away from heating devices and open fire, in a place protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed at temperatures from minus 20 В° C to plus 45 В° C.
Disinfexan is produced in 20 liters. in cans Vials and cans are sealed with screw-on plastic caps with first opening control.
Bonus points
Temperature regime
from -20 to +40
disinfectant intended for the treatment of objects of veterinary supervision and the prevention of invasive and infectious animal diseases, including African swine fever