Grand 1L

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Grand 1L


Grand is an insecticidal agent intended for the destruction of a wide range of synanthropic insects (cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, fleas, mosquito larvae, flies). The product is a suspension concentrate in the form of a viscous white liquid.


Contains active ingredient (DV) - imidacloprid (35.0%), as well as functional additives.


The drug in the form of 35.0% suspension concentrate in terms of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, when applied to the skin - to the 4th class of low-hazard substances in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76. Vapors of agents in saturating concentrations according to the degree of volatility belong to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances according to the selection criteria for pest control agents. The product in the form of 35.0% suspension concentrate is slightly irritating. skin with a single exposure, has a moderately pronounced irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, does not have a sensitizing effect.


It is recommended to use the tool in the absence of people in industrial and residential premises, social welfare institutions, educational, administrative institutions, trade enterprises, at public facilities (hotels, hostels, sports complexes, etc.), in maternity hospitals, at enterprises public catering, in medical organizations for the final disinsection, in children's institutions (except for walls, dining rooms and playrooms) by organizations engaged in disinfection activities, as well as by the population in everyday life.


Working aqueous suspensions (r.v.s.) of the agent are prepared immediately before use. To do this, the agent is mixed with the appropriate volume of tap water at room temperature (see table), constantly and evenly stirring for 5 minutes. The finished suspension should be used within 8 hours from the moment of preparation and shaken thoroughly before use.

Calculation of the amount of Grand means required to prepare a working aqueous suspension.

Group of insects Concentration (%) for DV Concentration (%) of working solutions by preparation Amount of product (r) per 1 liter of water Amount of product (r) for 5 liters of water Amount of product (r) per 10 liters of water

Cockroaches 0.5 1.4 14: 986 70: 4930 140: 9860

1.0 2.8 28: 972 140: 4860 280: 9720

Bed bugs 1.0 2.8 28: 972 140: 4860 280: 9720

Ants 0.1 0.28 3: 997 15: 4985 30: 9970

Fleas 0.1 0.28 3: 997 15: 4985 30: 9970

Flies imago 0.5 * 1.4 * c14: 986 * 70: 4930 * 140: 9860 *

1.0 * 2.8 * 28: 972 * 140: 4860 * 280: 9720 *

Mosquitoes, larvae 0.01 0.028 0.3: 999.7 1.5: 4998.5 3: 9997

0.02 0.056 0.6: 999.4 3: 4997 6: 9994

Note: * the method of preparation and use of the suspension of the fly control agent 'is described in clause 3.6. of this manual.

For applying r.v.w. means in the premises by irrigation, employees of organizations engaged in disinfection activities use spray equipment of various brands permitted for these purposes, as well as sprayers such as 'Quasar', etc. Before each pouring into sprayers, the working suspension must be mixed. The population in everyday life is allowed to use the product only when applied to the surface with a brush, roller or other handy material.

When using an agent against flightless insects, spray the places of their accumulation (so that the agent gets directly on the insects) and possible habitat. Processing is carried out with open windows, vents or doors.

Extermination of cockroaches

They process the places of congestion and possible habitation of cockroaches: cracks along the baseboards and adjacent wall and floor sections, surface areas along the pipes of the water supply and sewer systems, cracks in the walls, floor, behind door frames, etc., as well as the back side of furnishings (sideboards, tables, shelves, shelves, pictures, etc.).

For the destruction of cockroaches, depending on their level of resistance to insecticides, 0.5% or 1.0% (according to DB) r.v.w. are used. products at a consumption rate of 50 ml / m2 non-absorbent surface or 100 ml / m2 absorbent surface.

Processing is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where cockroaches are found. With a high degree of infestation with cockroaches, the agent also treats adjacent premises in order to protect them from infestation by these insects. Dead and paralyzed insects should be systematically swept away and destroyed (burned, flushed down the drain, thrown into the waste bin). Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Destruction of bed bugs

Clusters and possible habitats of bedbugs are processed: cracks in walls, floors and furniture, areas behind skirting boards, window sills, the back of paintings, carpets, wallpaper, etc. Upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs, chairs) is thoroughly irrigated along the seams, folds, and edges of the sheathing. Do not handle bedding!

For the destruction of bedbugs, sensitive and resistant to pyrethroids, use 1.0% (for DV) r.v.w. products at a consumption rate of 100 ml / m2 of the surface, regardless of its type. The processing is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where bugs are found, and in rooms adjacent to them, in order to prevent the possible resettlement of these insects. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Destruction of ants

To combat working ants that live in rooms or often penetrate them, the agent is used to treat the accumulations and movements (“paths”) of these insects. Use O, 1% r.w.w. products at a consumption rate of 100 ml / m2 of the surface, regardless of its type. Repeated treatments are carried out: according to entomological indications.

Flea control

Indoors, the surface of the floor, cracks in the floor and behind the baseboards, walls up to 1 m high, the back of carpets, etc. are treated. They also process bedding and rugs for animals, which are shaken out and washed before further use. When processing basements, rooms are preliminarily cleaned of debris, if possible, and then thoroughly irrigated with a product, taking into account the rate of its consumption.

For the destruction of fleas, O, 1% r.v.c, are used at a consumption rate of 100 ml / m2 of the treated surface, regardless of its type. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Destruction of imago flies

For the destruction of imago flies in the premises, liquid baits are prepared from the initial concentrate with a concentration (according to DV) of 0.5-1.0% in 10% sugar syrup. To prepare 1 liter of syrup, it is necessary to mix 100 g of sugar with 1 OOO ml of warm tap water and mix well until the sediment disappears. Then the bait of the required concentration is prepared by mixing the required volumes of the product and syrup. The bait consumption rate is 100 ml / m2 of the treated surface, regardless of its type, or three substrates with bait per room of 10 m2. Repeated treatments are carried out when imago flies appear in the room.

Destruction of mosquito larvae

For the destruction of mosquito larvae, 0.01% (by DV) r.v.w. is used. a product that is evenly sprayed over the surface of open natural reservoirs of non-fishery importance and urban water bodies: in flooded basements of residential buildings, sewage, fire tanks, where mosquito larvae breed. In case of a strong degree of water pollution, the concentration of the agent can be doubled (up to 0.02% by DV). RV consumption rate means 100 ml / m2 of water surface.

Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications when live mosquito larvae appear. The treatments are repeated no more than once a month.


The processing of premises should be carried out in the absence of people and pets (including fish, birds), with open windows (vents).

Food products, toys, utensils and aquariums: • must be removed from the room or covered thoroughly before processing, furniture must also be carefully covered. And: run around getting the product on the polished surface.

When processing workshops of industrial enterprises, pre-remove or carefully cover products that can adsorb the agent.

After treatment, the premises should be well ventilated for at least 30 minutes in the absence of strangers by a through air flow.

After disinsection, it is recommended to wet clean the surfaces with which people or food may come into contact, using a soap and soda solution.

Processing in children's institutions (except for bedrooms, dining rooms and playrooms) and in catering establishments should be carried out only on sanitary days or weekends. Premises treated with the product must not be used until they are cleaned.





Megmani Organics Limited

Temperature regime

from -5 to +40


DV: imidacloprid 35.0%. For the destruction of a wide range of synanthropic insects

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