Hera PotassiumPhos-N 900g

Special Price $16.66 Regular Price $24.00
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Hera PotassiumPhos-N 900g


Kaliyphos-N - complex mineral fertilizer with diamite and microelements


Prolonged action

Provides complete nutrition

Strengthens plant immunity

Accelerates maturation

Improves the quality of the crop

Increases its safety in winter


Mass fraction of nutrients, May. %: nitrogen (N) - 10 В± 1; phosphorus (P, 05) - 12 В± 1; potassium (K, 0) - 12 В± 1; sulfur (S) -5 В± 0.3; magnesium (MgO) - 0.3 В± 0.02; silicon (Si02) - 8 В± 1; iron (Fe, 03) - 0.5 В± 0.04.


Complex mineral fertilizer (fertilizer mixture) based on nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and diatomite. It is intended for the main application and feeding during the growing season of vegetable, fruit and berry, flower and ornamental crops, all types of indoor and ornamental garden and park plants in open and protected ground. Contains a complete balanced set of nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of plants.

Diatomite, a natural porous mineral from the fossilized deposits of diatoms, contains silicon in an amorphous form that is readily soluble for plant nutrition. Promotes the assimilation and retention of moisture, nutrients and their gradual release to the root system of plants, thereby allowing to reduce the consumption rate of NPK and other plant nutrients.

Fertilizer helps to accelerate the ripening and improve the quality of the yield of vegetable and fruit crops by increasing the content of starch, sugars and vitamins and further storage of the crop, increases the immunity of plants, promotes long-term flowering of flower and ornamental crops, accelerates the formation and development of flowers.


Stir before use!

When applying, mix the fertilizer with the soil or sprinkle with a layer of soil, then pour over with water.

All crops: application in spring or autumn during soil preparation (plowing, digging, loosening) 40-50 g / m2 (cultivated soils) and 50-60 g / m2 (low-cultivated soils).

Vegetable, flower and ornamental crops (protected ground): application in spring or autumn during soil preparation (plowing, digging, loosening) 55-65 g per sq.m.

Potatoes: application at planting 30-35 g per sq. Mile 25-30 g per running meter or 1 O g per plant (per well). Root dressing in the budding phase and in the flowering phase 25-30 g per sq. Mile, 20-25 g per running meter or 8-10 g per plant (under a bush).

Vegetable crops: application at sowing (planting) 30-35 gn sq. Mile or 25-30 g per running meter or 1O g per plant (per hole). Root dressing during the growing season 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 days (last dressing no later than 2-3 weeks before harvest) 25-30 g per sq. Mile 20-25 g per running meter or 8 -10 g per plant (under a bush).

Fruit and berry crops: application during planting, depending on the age and size of the root system of plants, 40-60 g per plant (in the planting pit). Root top dressing in the spring at the beginning of the renewal of the growing season and during the period of fruit growth is 30-40 g per square meter of the trunk circle.

Strawberries, strawberries: application at planting 25-30 g per sq. Mile 20-25 g per running meter or 8-1O g per plant (per well). Root top dressing in the spring at the beginning of the renewal of the growing season, in the phase of the beginning of the formation of ovaries and after harvest: 15-30 g per sq.m. or 10-15 gna running meters or 6-10 g per plant (puffs up).

Flower-ornamental crops: sowing (planting) application of 15-25 g per square mile, or 10-20 g per running meter or 6-8 g per plant (per hole). Root dressing during the growing season 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 days 15-20 g per square meter or 10-15 g per running meter or 6-8 g per plant (under a bush).

Note: for more efficient and economical use, the fertilizer is recommended to be applied: when sowing (planting), directly into the hole (planting hole) or rows, mix with the soil, water with water; when feeding - under a bush, in the aisle or evenly spread over the surface of the trunk circle, embedded in the soil, water with water.


In case of skin contact, remove contaminated clothing and wash the contaminated skin area with running water and soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean running water. In case of inhalation, remove the victim to fresh air and create conditions for free breathing. In case of accidental swallowing, immediately give a large amount of warm water (2-3 glasses) to drink, induce vomiting, then drink a glass of water with a suspension of activated carbon (at the rate of 1 g of sorbent per 1 kg of the victim's weight). In all cases, if necessary, you should consult a doctor (you should have a container label or instructions for use with you).


The guaranteed shelf life under the storage and transportation conditions is 5 years from the date of manufacture. Store in a dry, closed room, excluding the ingress of atmospheric precipitation, separately from food products, medicines and feed, in places inaccessible to children and animals, at temperatures from -35 В° C to + 35 В° C.


The fertilizer is packaged in 0.9 kg bags.


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Universal fertilizers





Temperature regime

from -35 to +35


complex mineral fertilizer with diamite and microelements

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