Hopantenic acid tablets 250mg, No. 50
Expiration Date: 11/2025
Russian Pharmacy name:
Гопантеновая кислота таблетки 250мг, №50
Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain, senile dementia (initial forms), residual organic brain lesions in adults and the elderly, cerebral organic insufficiency in patients with schizophrenia, extrapyramidal hyperkinesis in patients with hereditary diseases of the nervous system (incl. Huntington's chorea, hepatocerebral dystrophy, Parkinson's disease), residual effects of neuroinfections, post-vaccination encephalitis, traumatic brain injury (as part of complex therapy); extrapyramidal neuroleptic syndrome (hyperkinetic and akinetic), as a corrector of the side effects of antipsychotics (neuroleptics) and with a prophylactic purpose at the same time as a 'cover therapy';epilepsy (with a slowdown in mental processes together with anticonvulsants).
Psycho-emotional overload, decreased mental and physical performance (increased concentration and memorization).
Urinary disorders: enuresis, daytime urinary incontinence, pollakiuria, urgency (adults and children from 2 years old).
Children: perinatal encephalopathy, mental retardation (mental retardation, speech, motor development or their combination), cerebral palsy, stuttering (predominantly clonic form), epilepsy (as part of combination therapy with anticonvulsants, especially in polymorphic seizures and minor epileptic seizures) ...
It is taken internally. A single dose for adults - 0.5-1 g, for children - 0.25-0.5 g; the daily dose for adults is 1.5-3 g, for children - 0.75-3 g. The course of treatment is 1-4 months, in some cases - up to 6 months. After 3-6 months, a second course of treatment is possible.
Children with mental disability and mental retardation - 0.5 g 4-6 times / day daily for 3 months; with delayed speech development - 0.5 g 3-4 times / day for 2-3 months.
As a corrector for neuroleptic syndrome, adults - 0.5-1 g 3 times / day, children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times / day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.
With epilepsy, children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times / day, adults - 0.5-1 g 3-4 times / day, daily, for a long time (up to 6 months).
With ticks for adults - 1.5-3 g / day, daily, for 1-5 months; children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-6 times / day daily for 1-4 months.
In case of violation of urination in adults - 0.5-1 g 2-3 times / day, daily dose - 2-3 g; for children, a single dose of 0.25-0.5 g, a daily dose of 25-50 mg / kg. The course of treatment is 0.5-3 months.
White or off-white tablets
1 tab.
calcium hopantenate
Excipients: magnesium hydroxycarbonate, povidone K25, calcium stearate.
Acute severe kidney disease
I trimester of pregnancy.
pharmachologic effect
Nootropic agent, has neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties. Increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, stimulates anabolic processes in neurons, combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect, has an anticonvulsant effect, reduces motor excitability with a simultaneous ordering of behavior. Increases mental and physical performance. Contributes to the normalization of the GABA content in chronic alcohol intoxication and the subsequent abolition of ethanol. Shows an analgesic effect.
After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Tmax - 1 hour. The highest concentrations are created in the liver, kidneys, stomach wall and skin. Penetrates the BBB. Not metabolized. It is excreted unchanged within 48 hours: 67.5% of the dose taken - with urine, 28.5% - with feces.
Side effect
Allergic reactions: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin rashes.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
Use is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Application for impaired renal function
The drug is contraindicated in acute severe kidney disease.
Application in children
Application is possible according to the dosage regimen.
special instructions
Long-term therapy with hopantenic acid in combination with other nootropic and CNS stimulating agents is not recommended.
Drug interactions
It lengthens the action of barbiturates, enhances the effects of anticonvulsants, nootropics and agents that stimulate the central nervous system, the effect of local anesthetics (procaine).
Prevents side effects of phenobarbital, carbamazepine, antipsychotics (neuroleptics).
The action of hopantenic acid is enhanced in combination with glycine, xydiphon.