Hydrogen peroxide spray 3%, 50ml
Expiration Date: 11/2025
Russian Pharmacy name:
Перекись водорода спрей 3%, 50мл
- For disinfection of indoor surfaces, rigid furniture, sanitary equipment, linen, dishes, patient care items, toys, cleaning material for infections of bacterial, viral etiology and dermatophytosis;
- for disinfection of sanitary vehicles;
- for disinfection of jugs for premature babies;
- for disinfection of medical devices (including surgical, dental instruments and silicone impressions; -
sterilization of medical devices (including surgical, dental instruments, rigid and flexible endoscopes);
-pre-sterilization cleaning (when used in combination with detergents) by manual and mechanized (including ultrasound) methods of surgical, dental instruments, as well as instruments for flexible endoscopes;
- for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, purulent wounds, nasal and capillary bleeding from superficial wounds;
- for disinfection and deodorization in case of diseases: stomatitis, tonsillitis;
-and also for the disinfection of public utilities, in cultural institutions, sports and recreation centers, children's institutions, in hairdressing and beauty salons, catering establishments, in foci of infections of bacterial etiology, transport, ventilation and air conditioning systems, soil disinfection.
Outwardly, locally. Damaged areas of the skin or mucous membrane are treated with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with a solution of the drug.
Solution for local and external use 3%
100 ml contains: active substance - medical hydrogen peroxide
Skin-irritating, skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties in the recommended modes of use of the agent have not been identified.
pharmachologic effect
Antiseptic agent from the group of oxidants. It also has a hemostatic effect. When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes, active oxygen is released, while mechanical cleansing and inactivation of organic substances (proteins, blood, pus) occurs. The antiseptic effect of hydrogen peroxide is not sterilizing; when it is used, only a temporary decrease in the number of microorganisms occurs.
Side effects
Skin-irritating, skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties in the recommended modes of use of the agent have not been identified.