Jurax 500ml

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Jurax 500ml

This product requires special training when used.


Insectoacaricidal agent Juraks 25% ae. is a concentrate of an emulsion in the form of a clear liquid from light yellow to red-brown in color with a specific odor.


Contains as an active substance (DV) a highly active compound from the pyrethroid group cypermethrin - 25%, as well as an emulsifier, antioxidant and solvent - up to 100%.


Means Yuraks 25% k.e. has an acute insectoacaricidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites and residual activity for 3-4 weeks.

According to the degree of influence on the body of warm-blooded animals, when administered into the stomach, the drug Yuraks 25% e. belongs to the III class of moderately hazardous agents according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Does not have a local irritant effect with a single exposure to the skin. Revealed a weak sensitizing effect. A sensitizing effect has not been established for vapors of a working aqueous emulsion (0.1% by DV). On contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, the working emulsion has a moderately pronounced irritant effect. With a single inhalation exposure to an aerosol of 0.1% aqueous emulsion, the agents in the area of ​​acute biocidal effect belong to the II class of disinfestation agents highly hazardous according to the Classification of the degree of danger of disinsection (Zbiocid.ac. = 15). Pairs 0, 1% of an aqueous emulsion in the area of ​​subacute biocidal effect belongs to the IV class of low-hazard in accordance with the Classification of the degree of danger of disinsection agents (Zbioc. Subac.> 10). Repeated exposure (12) to intact skin with a working water emulsion (0.1% for DV) did not reveal a skin-resorptive effect, but a weakly expressed local irritating effect was established.

MPC in the air of the working area of ​​the active substance - cypermethrin is equal to 0.5 mg / m3 (II hazard class, vapors + aerosol).


Means Yuraks 25% k.e. intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites at objects of various categories: in residential and non-residential premises, hotels, hostels, catering establishments (on weekends or sanitary days) by personnel of organizations entitled to disinfect activities.


For the destruction of arthropods, freshly prepared aqueous emulsions are used at concentrations of 0.1-0.05% for DV, which corresponds to 0.4% or 0.2% for the formulation.

For the preparation of working emulsions, Yuraks 25% ae. diluted in water at room temperature, stirring constantly and evenly for 5 minutes. The calculation of the amount of funds required to prepare a working emulsion is shown in the table.

The amount of Yuraks 25% k.e. required for the preparation of working emulsions

Arthropod species Concentration for DV% Concentration (%) of the working emulsion in the formulation Amount of product (g) per 1 liter of water Amount of product (g) per 10 liters of water Amount of product (g) per 100 l of water

Cockroaches 0.10 0.40 4.0 40 400

Ants 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Bedbugs 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Fleas 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Flies imago 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Flies maggots 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Mosquitoes imago 0.05 0.20 2.0 20 200

Mosquito larva 0.01 0.04 0,4 4 40

Rat ticks 0.10 0.40 4.0 40 400

When working with working emulsions, Juraks 25% ae. use spraying equipment of various brands.

The consumption rate of the product is 50 ml / m2 (non-absorbent surface) and 100 ml / m2 (absorbent). The product is removed from the treated surfaces (with a wet method - with a rag) 24 hours after application, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the working day. From other places, the agent is removed after 3-4 weeks - after the loss of its effectiveness. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Extermination of cockroaches. For the destruction of cockroaches, 0.1% (by DV) working water emulsions are used, selectively treating surfaces in places of detection, localization and along the paths of insect movement. Particular attention is paid to holes and cracks in walls, in door frames, thresholds, along skirting boards, in claddings, as well as ventilation vents, joints of pipes of water supply, heating and sewerage systems.

Extermination of ants. To destroy gingerbread house and other species of ants that often penetrate the premises, they process their paths (paths) or places of accumulation. A working water emulsion of 0.05% (by DV) concentration is used. The treatments are repeated when insects appear.

Flea control. For the destruction of fleas, 0.05% (by DV) working water emulsion is used, treating the walls (to a height of 1 m), the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards are lagging, cracks behind the baseboards, carpets, paths on the back side.

Destruction of bedbugs. To destroy bedbugs, 0.05% (by DV) working water emulsions are used. With an insignificant population of rooms with bed bugs, only their habitats are treated; with a large population and in the case of wall cladding with dry plaster, the places of their possible resettlement are also subject to processing; cracks along skirting boards, curbs, wallpaper lagging spots, around door, window frames and ventilation grilles, cracks in walls, furniture, as well as carpets on the back.

Destruction of flies. For the destruction of adults of house flies or other types of flies, 0.05% (by DV) working water emulsion is used, which is used to irrigate the landing sites of flies in the premises, as well as the outer walls of buildings, garbage bins, garbage chambers and sand-yard installations. To destroy the larvae of flies, the place of their breeding (cesspools, waste, food waste) is treated with 0.05% (in DV) with a working water emulsion at intervals of 1 time in 20-30 days.

Mosquito control. To destroy the imago of mosquitoes, 0.05% (in DV) working water emulsion is used, which is used to irrigate mosquito landing sites indoors, as well as outside walls of buildings or inside fences for garbage containers, where mosquitoes hide in hot weather. To destroy mosquito larvae, 0.01% (by DV) working water emulsion is used, which is evenly sprayed over the surface of open natural reservoirs of non-fishery value and urban water bodies: basements of residential buildings, waste water, fire tanks where mosquito larvae breed. Consumption rate 100 ml per 1 sq.m. water surface.

Destruction of rat mites. To destroy the rat mite, a 0.1% (by DV) working water emulsion is used, which is used to irrigate manholes, pipes of various communications, baseboards. The consumption rate is 50-100 ml / m2 of working water emulsion, depending on the type of surface to be treated.


Store the product in a covered warehouse in a closed container at a temperature not lower than minus 20 В° C and not higher than plus 40 В° C. Shelf life 2 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


The product is packed in plastic bottles of 0.5 liters.


Product subcategory

Concentrates, emulsions (pyrethroids)






0.4-4 ml / l


DV: cypermethrin 25%. Means for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites

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