Karbofos 50% 5L
This product requires special training when used.
Insecticidal agent Karbofos 50% e. is a concentrate of an emulsion in the form of a clear liquid from colorless to light brown in color for the destruction of synanthropic cockroaches, flies, fleas, bed bugs, red house ants and mosquitoes.
As an active ingredient, it contains organophosphate insecticide malathion (50%), a solvent, an emulsifier and other functional components.
Means Karbofos 50% k.e. has an acute insecticidal effect against synanthropic cockroaches, rat fleas, bed bugs, red house ants, adults and larvae of flies and mosquitoes. The duration of the residual action is 1-2 weeks, depending on the concentration and type of surface to be treated.
According to the parameters of acute toxicity when injected into the stomach, Karbofos belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, when applied to the skin - to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76; in case of inhalation exposure in saturating concentrations (vapors) it is highly dangerous according to the classification of inhalation hazard of agents according to the degree of volatility (hazard class 2). With a single exposure, the agent has a slightly irritating effect on the skin and a pronounced mucous membranes of the eyes. The skin resorptive and sensitizing effect of the agent has not been established with a single exposure.
According to the limiting toxicity indicator for insecticidal agents - in the area of ​​acute biocidal effect under conditions of use, the agent belongs to the 2nd class of highly hazardous drugs, according to the zone of subacute biocidal effect - to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous drugs according to the Classification of the degree of danger of disinfestants. Working emulsions with a single exposure do not have a local irritating effect on contact with the skin, working emulsions with a concentration of 1.0% and below do not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.
For malathion: MPC in the air of the working area - 0.05 mg / m3; MPC in the atmospheric air of populated areas - 0.015 mg / m3 (m.w.); DSD - 0.02 mg / kg bw; MPC in soil - 2.0 mg / kg (tr.); Maximum concentration limit in water of reservoirs - 0.05 mg / dm3 (org.).
Means Karbofos 50% k.e. intended for use by personnel of organizations entitled to engage in disinfection activities for the destruction of synanthropic cockroaches, flies, fleas, bed bugs, red house ants and mosquitoes at various facilities: industrial, administrative, food, medical institutions (except for wards, operating and intensive care facilities), residential and communal (in the absence of people on sanitary and weekends), children's (except for bedrooms and playrooms, in the absence of children); in places of collection and storage of garbage and food waste; as well as against mosquitoes (larvae) in urban water bodies (in the reservoirs of the basements of residential buildings, fire tanks); against mosquitoes (adults) in well-ventilated rooms and for the treatment of external walls of buildings.
For the destruction of adults and larvae of arthropods, working emulsions are used in concentrations of 0.50-1.50% for DV.
To prepare working emulsions, the agent is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly. The calculation of the amount of concentrate required for the preparation of working emulsions is shown in Table 1.
The amount of Karbofos 50% k.e. required for the preparation of working emulsions:
Insect species name Concentration of the drug by DV,% The amount of the drug in ml for the preparation of 1 liter of the working emulsion Amount of water in ml for preparation of 1 liter of working emulsion
Red cockroaches 1.25 25.0 975.0
Black cockroaches 1.25 25.0 975.0
American cockroaches 1.50 30.0 970.0
Flies maggots 1.00 20.0 980.0
Flies imago 1.00 20.0 980.0
Fleas 0.50 10.0 990.0
Bed bugs 0.50 10.0 990.0
Ginger house ants 1.00 20.0 980.0
Mosquito larva 1.00 20.0 980.0
Mosquitoes imago 1.00 20.0 980.0
When working with working emulsions, the agents use spraying equipment of various brands with a fine spray.
Extermination of cockroaches. For the destruction of cockroaches, 1.25-1.5% (by DV) working water emulsions are used in accordance with Table 1, selectively treating surfaces in places of detection, localization and on the paths of insect movement. Particular attention is paid to holes and cracks in walls, in door frames, thresholds, along skirting boards, in claddings, as well as ventilation vents, joints of pipes of water supply, heating and sewage systems. The consumption rate of the working emulsion is 50-100 ml / m2, depending on the type of surface to be treated.
Extermination of ants. To destroy gingerbread house and other species of ants, which often enter the premises, they process the paths of movement ('paths') or places of congestion. A working emulsion of 1.0% (on DV) concentration is used. The treatments are repeated when ants appear. Consumption rate - 100 ml of working emulsion per square meter, regardless of the type of surface.
Flea control. To destroy fleas, use a 0.5% (by DV) working water emulsion, treating walls (to a height of 1 m), the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards are lagging, cracks behind baseboards, carpets, paths on the back side. Consumption rate - 100 ml of working emulsion per square meter, regardless of the type of surface.
Destruction of bedbugs. For the destruction of bedbugs, 0.5% (by DV) water emulsion of the drug is used. Consumption rate - 100 ml of working emulsion per square meter, regardless of the type of surface.
Destruction of flies.For the destruction of adults of house flies or other types of flies, 1.0% (by DV) working water emulsion is used, which is used to irrigate the landing sites of flies in residential and industrial premises: glass and window frames, door frames, etc. For the treatment of the external walls of buildings (garbage chambers, sandworm installations, garbage bins, etc.), 2% (by DV) water emulsion (40 ml of the drug per 1 liter of working emulsion) is used. The consumption rate of the working emulsion is 50-100 ml / m2, depending on the number of flies and the type of surface to be treated. To destroy the larvae of flies, the places of their emergence are processed with an interval of once every 20-30 days: liquid waste in cesspools, latrines - 1% (according to DV) water emulsion in the amount of 0.5 l / m2 of substrate surface;
Mosquito control. To destroy the imago of mosquitoes, use 1.0% (according to DV) a working water emulsion, which is used to irrigate the mosquito landing sites in the room, as well as the outer walls of buildings or inside fences for garbage containers, where mosquitoes hide in hot weather. The consumption rate is 100 ml per 1 sq. M. water surface.
Store the product in a dry covered warehouse in a closed package separately from food and medicinal products, in places inaccessible to children and protecting the product from direct sunlight and heating at a temperature not lower than minus 30 В° C and not higher than plus 40 В° C. Shelf life - 4 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.
The product is packaged in 5 liters in hermetically sealed canisters, or in plastic bottles of 50 ml.
Product subcategory
Concentrates, emulsions (organophosphorus)
20 ml / l
DV: malathion 50%. The drug is intended for use by personnel of organizations entitled to engage in disinfection activities to destroy synanthropic cockroaches, flies, fleas, bed bugs, red house ants and mosquitoes at various facilities