Kinkila gel from cockroaches in a tube of 75 ml

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Kinkila gel from cockroaches in a tube of 75 ml


Kinkila - an insecticidal agent for cockroaches is a grayish gel.


The agent contains fiproyil (0.05%) as an active ingredient, as well as food attractants for insects, a stabilizer, a bitter component - bitrex, which prevents accidental poisoning of domestic animals, and other functional components.


The product is highly effective against cockroaches. The action of the tool begins a few hours after its placement in the premises. The tool remains effective for at least 2 months.

According to the degree of danger when introduced into the stomach and applied to the skin, the Gel from cockroaches belongs to the IV class of low-hazard drugs according to GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the limiting toxicity indices for insecticidal agents - in the area of ​​acute and hydrochloric biocidal action - agent vapors belong to the 4th class of low-toxic drugs according to the Classification of the degree of danger of disinfestation agents. Upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eye, the agent has a weak local irritant effect.

Standards for the content of fipronil in environmental objects: OBUV in the air of the working area - 0.1 mg / m3; OBUV in the atmospheric air of populated areas - 0,000] mg / m3; DSD - 0.0002 mr / kg bw; MPC 13 for soil - 0.05 mr / kr; Maximum concentration limit in water of reservoirs - 0.001 mr / dm3.


The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches at objects of various categories, including children's, medical and food, in the practice of medical disinsection by specialists of organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities, and by the population in everyday life (in accordance with the label for everyday life).


Before processing, you should clean the room, freeing it from food waste and sources of moisture.

Application of the product in syringes and tubes.

It is recommended to apply the product on a dry surface or on substrates (a piece of wet paper or plastic film) out of the reach of children and pets. To treat a room with an area of ​​15 m2, l 0-15 g of the product is enough.

Remove the protective cap. Apply the product with drops and place the substrates with the product at a distance of 20-50 cm from each other in the habitats and movement of cockroaches (along the plates, in cracks, cracks and under the batteries, sink, behind the refrigerator, cabinets, shelves, near hot water pipes, etc. etc.). If the number of insects is high, the distance between droplets or substrates can be reduced. The tool remains effective for at least 2 months.

After use, close the container with a protective cap.

Application of the product in polymer containers.

Place containers with gel in residential areas. premises, in the kitchen; bathroom, toilet, in dark dry places where insects live (under the radiators, behind the refrigerator, under the sink, on cabinets, shelves, etc.) at the rate of 1 container for 1-2 m2 of the room. Place the containers on a vertical surface using double-sided adhesive tape.


The gel in the container remains effective for at least 2 months. Then the container should be thrown into the bin.

It is not recommended to use the product simultaneously with contact type insecticides (emulsion concentrates, wettable powders, dusts, aerosol products, etc.).


Use as directed.

Avoid contact with eyes and skin.

Remove food and utensils for the duration of the treatment, remove animals and birds from the premises.

When working with the gel, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene, do not smoke or eat. Wash face and hands with soap after work.

It is necessary to store the product in a warehouse in a tightly closed container, separately from food, in places inaccessible to children.


Shelf life 36 months in the manufacturer's sealed packaging.

The product must be stored in a packed form in closed warehouses that protect the product from direct sunlight, heat and moisture, at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices.


The product is packed in tubes with a capacity of 75 ml placed in a folding cardboard box.


Product subcategory







insecticide for crawling insects

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