Maxisan can of 300 tablets

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Maxisan can of 300 tablets


Maksisan - disinfectant is a white tablet and granules with a chlorine smell.


As an active ingredient, the product contains 84% ​​dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt, and the product also contains other auxiliary components. Working solutions of the product contain active chlorine as an active ingredient. Mass fraction of active chlorine in granules is not less than 45%.


The agent has bactericidal activity against gram-negative (tested on Escherichia coli strain J 257, Salmonella typhimurium) and gram-positive (tested on Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria, virucidal activity (tested on coliphage MS2 as a model microorganism), fungicidal activity of fungi against pathogenic pathogens and Trichophyton.

According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach, according to GOST 12.1.007-76, the drug belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances when administered into the stomach and to the 4th class of low-hazard substances when applied to the skin. With a single exposure to the skin, the agent has a weak local irritant effect. The product has a pronounced irritant effect on the membranes of the eyes. According to the degree of inhalation hazard in the form of a mixture of vapors and aerosols, the agent belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances. The product has a weak sensitizing effect.

The saturating concentration of vapors of 0.2% of the working solution belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, and the vapors of O, 1% solution to the 4th class of low hazardous compounds according to the Classification of Chemical Substances by the degree of volatility.

Working solutions of the agent with a concentration below 0.1% (according to AH) do not have a local irritating effect on the skin. Working solutions with a concentration below 0.2% (according to AH) do not irritate the eyes.

The maximum permissible concentration of chlorine in the air of the working area is 1 mg / m3 (vapor), hazard class 2.


The tool is intended for: disinfection of water in the systems of domestic drinking water supply with centralized water supply; disinfection of group water supplies in case of decentralized water supply, as well as water storage tanks; disinfection of mine wells and disinfection of water in them; disinfection of water in swimming pools; disinfection of various objects in the premises of the pool (the surface of the pool bath, dressing rooms, showers, rubber mats, cleaning equipment, etc.).

The tool is intended for use by specialists of enterprises, organizations, institutions whose activities are related to the operation of swimming pools, as well as employees of disinfection stations, other institutions entitled to engage in disinfection activities, by the population in everyday life in accordance with the label for everyday life.


Disinfection of water in drinking water supply systems with centralized water supply.

For disinfection of water in drinking water supply systems with centralized water supply, it is recommended to use a product in the form of tablets or granules.

In order to establish the working dose of the chlorination agent, the amount of residual active chlorine is determined empirically, which depends on the chlorine absorption of water.

The working dose of chlorine selected for disinfection must ensure the proper bactericidal effect in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking supply systems. Quality control. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems. The content of residual chlorine in this case should be at least 0.3 and not more than O, 5 mg / l with a time of contact of water with chlorine for 30 minutes.

Disinfection of group water supplies with decentralized water supply.

Disinfection of water from non-centralized sources, in field and extreme conditions, directly from the source (wells, springs, artesian wells, river, lake, pond, etc.), requiring disinfection against bacteria and viruses (including according to epidemiological indications) is performed in clean containers - tanks, tank trucks, barrels, tanks or other special containers.

When disinfecting turbid and highly colored water, it is recommended to pre-filter it through a fine-cloth filter.

Disinfection of water from non-centralized sources is carried out in accordance with SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the quality of water in non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources '. The disinfection mode is shown in Table 2.

Determination of the required dose of chlorine to obtain the required residual chlorine is carried out by the method of trial chlorination. To do this, 1, 2, and 3 tablets containing the same amount of active chlorine are introduced into 3 containers of the same volume. The water is stirred and after 30 minutes of exposure the presence of chlorine odor in each container is determined. A tablet is considered effective, when introduced after 30 minutes the smell of chlorine is found in the water. If the smell is very strong, then it is necessary to repeat the trial chlorination, reducing the number of tablets by 2 times or increasing the volume of disinfected water.

Disinfection of group water supplies is carried out in special clean containers of various volumes with tight-fitting lids in accordance with the Instruction on control over disinfection of household drinking water and disinfection of water supply facilities with chlorine during centralized and local water supply 'No. 723a-67 dated November 25, 1967 ( section 2. Chlorination of water at local water supply). In a container with water to be disinfected, add the agent in accordance with Table 2. When disinfecting a large amount of water (from 50 or more), carried out in tanks, barrels, tanks, cisterns or other special containers, it is recommended to dissolve tablets or granules in a clean containers with water with a volume of 5-1Ol, then pour the resulting solution into a container for water disinfection, mix thoroughly.

When disinfecting water that does not require purification (tap, well, artesian), the concentration of residual free chlorine should be at least 0.3-0.5 mg / l 30 minutes after disintegration of the tablet.

When disinfecting contaminated water (river, lake, pond, etc.), the concentration of residual free chlorine must be at least 1.4 mg / l 30 minutes after disintegration of the tablet.

Disinfection of mine wells and disinfection of water in them is carried out in accordance with Appendix I to SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the quality of water in non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources.

Disinfection of swimming pool water.

Disinfection of water supplied to the baths of swimming pools is carried out in accordance with SanPiN 2.1.1188-03 Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control.

The working dose of the agent is determined empirically based on the constant maintenance of the residual free chlorine concentration of 0.3-0.5 mg / l. In this case, the pH value of the treated water must be constantly maintained within the range of 7.0-7.4.

During a long interval in the operation of the pool (more than 2 hours), an increased content of residual free chlorine is allowed up to 1.4-1.6 mg / l.

Type of water ND for physical and chemical indicators of water quality Disinfection mode. Free residual chlorine, mg / l Disinfection mode. Time, min

Water in systems of domestic and drinking water supply with centralized water supply SanPiN 0.3-0.5 thirty

Individual group water supplies with decentralized water supply: water that does not require purification (tap water, well water, artesian water) *; river, lake, pond water SanPiN 0.3-0.5 / 1.4-1.6 30/30

Swimming pool water (in operation) SanPiN 0.3-0.5 -

Swimming pool water during a long break in the pool operation (more than 2 hours) SanPiN 1.4-1.6 60

Note: * Direct deposit is not allowed.

Disinfection of water storage tanks.

Water storage containers are disinfected by filling the container with 0.01% (in terms of active chlorine) with a working solution of the agent for a disinfection holding time of 30 minutes.

Disinfection of objects in the premises of the pool.

Disinfection of the bath surface, objects in the rooms of the pool, dressing rooms, showers, toilets, sanitary equipment, cleaning equipment, rubber and polypropylene mats, footwear is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools. Quality control.

Disinfection is carried out with working solutions of the means by means of wiping, immersion, irrigation and soaking.

Working solutions of the agent are prepared in enamel (without damaging the enamel), glass or plastic containers by dissolving the required number of tablets or granules in drinking water at room temperature until complete dissolution. The required amount of the agent and water for the preparation of working solutions of the agent are presented in tables 3-8.

Table 3. Cooking workers


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Water-soluble tablets





Temperature regime

from -20 to +35


for water disinfection in drinking water supply systems


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