MEF 0.5% 4kg

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MEF 0.5% 4kg

This product requires special training when used.


Rodenticidal agent MEF-0.5 is a red oil concentrate.


Contains difenacin as an active ingredient (DV) - 0.5%; dye red and solvent.


Food baits, prepared on the basis of MEF-0.5, having a red color and containing 0.015% diphenacin, have high rodenticidal activity against rats and mice. The eatability of the poisoned bait from the daily diet is 28.3% in rats and 36.28% in mice. Death is 100% and occurs after 5-9 days of rats (6.2 days on average) and on 4-11 days (8.8 days on average) - mice.

The active substance of the MEF-0.5 agent - difenacin belongs to the I-II class of extremely and highly hazardous substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76. LD50 when introduced into the stomach of rats is 3.50 В± 1.25 mg / kg; mice - 1.02 В± 0.05 mg / kg. It has a pronounced cumulative effect (Kkum. <1).

According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered to the stomach of rats and mice and applied to the skin of rats, the MEF-0.5 agent belongs to the III class of moderately hazardous substances - according to the Classification of toxicity and hazard of rodenticides. Vapors of the product in saturating concentrations do not have an inhalation hazard, and in terms of their volatility they belong to the IV hazard class. The tool has a pronounced cumulative effect: (Kkum. <1); does not have a local irritant effect on the skin, both with single and repeated exposure, but with repeated application to the skin, a pronounced skin-resorptive effect has been established. Does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

The maximum concentration limit for diphenacin in the air of the working area is 0.01 mg / m3 (aerosols) - I hazard class with a mark required to protect the skin and eyes.


Means MEF-0.5 is intended for preparation and use of poisoned baits for the destruction of rats and mice by personnel of organizations entitled to engage in disinfection activities. It is used in residential premises, at objects of various categories (food, children's and medical in places inaccessible to children), in non-residential dry and damp rooms, underground structures, basements, cellars, sewer systems.


Cooking poisoned baits.

Poisoned bait for rodent control (rats, mice) is prepared by mixing MEF-0.5 with benign food products (refined grain, cereals, granulated feed, etc.).

The composition of the food base is selected taking into account the nutritional characteristics of different types of rodents and the specifics of the food base at specific sites. Crushed grain or cereals are used in mouse baits.

To prepare a poisoned bait containing 0.015% difenacin (DV), you need to take 30 g of MEF-0.5 per 1 kg of food base. The required amount of concentrate is slowly added to it and thoroughly mixed until the color is evenly distributed throughout the food base.

For further storage and transportation, the prepared bait is placed in a resealable container with a label.

The text of the label on the container with the MEF-0.5 agent or the bait must necessarily contain the name, date of manufacture, prescription: It is used only by personnel of organizations entitled to engage in disinfection activities, as well as warning signs of poison! (for concentrate) or TOXIC! (for baits).

Mode of application.

The bait is placed in previously identified habitats or in places where traces of the vital activity of rodents (gnaws, droppings) are found. The bait is laid out in dry places under shelters (cabinets, equipment, etc.) in adapted containers (bait boxes, drainage pipes, trays, boxes, etc.) or in special containers. The latter are preferable because increase the eatability of the product, preventing it from being taken away by rodents, and also complicate access to the bait for non-target species of animals.

The bait is laid out in 50-100 g from rats or 10-25 g from mice.

The distance between the bait placement points is 2-15 m, depending on the number of rodents. Since the batches of bait from mice are smaller, they are laid out more often than from rats.

The laid out bait is inspected 1-2 days after the layout, and then at intervals of 1 week. The portions in which the bait is partially or completely eaten are replenished to the original volume or twice as much. Portions left untouched by rats or mice for more than a week are transferred to other places visited by rodents. Contaminated or spoiled bait is replaced with a new one. The work is carried out until the disappearance of rodents.

Due to the possibility of secondary poisoning, the corpses of rodents, the remains of the bait and containers from under the baits are regularly (until the end of the work) collected for subsequent burial or incineration.

The bait can be left in places favorable for habitat and movement of rodents in order to prevent their possible introduction or during periods of expected growth in numbers. In this case, the bait is laid out in special containers (containers) and observations are carried out at least 2 times a month.


Precautions must comply with those set out in the document: Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Deratization (SP, Appendix 1). Persons who have undergone special instructions, at least 18 years of age and do not suffer from blood diseases are allowed to work.

Work with the agent (bottling the concentrate, preparation and packaging of poisoned baits) should be carried out in the open air or in premises designated for these purposes with effective (5-8 times) general ventilation, under traction or using personal protective equipment (PPE) of the respiratory system (anti-dust respirators Astra-2; F-62 Sh or any universal respirators of the RU-60 M or RPG-67 brand), as well as in overalls: a dressing gown or overalls made of dust-proof fabric, a hat, rubber gloves, dust goggles and safety footwear.

For the preparation of poisoned baits, it is prohibited to use uncrushed sunflower seeds and other products that look attractive to people.

During work, do not allow contact with skin and eyes. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not smoke, do not eat. During a break and at the end of work, be sure to take off your overalls, wash your hands and face thoroughly with warm water and soap. After work take a warm shower.


Store the product in a dry, covered warehouse in a closed container, at a temperature from minus 20 В° C to plus 40 В° C, separately from feed and fodder. Shelf life - 3 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.


The product is packaged in 4 kg canisters, hermetically sealed.


Bonus points


Product subcategory

Anticoagulant concentrates (liquid)






according to instructions


DV: difenacin 0.5%. The product is intended for the preparation and use of poisoned baits for the destruction of rats and mice by personnel of organizations entitled to engage in disinfection activities

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