Roncoleukin 100 000 ME (1 ampoule) 1 ml

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Roncoleukin 100 000 ME (1 ampoule) 1 ml


Roncoleukin (Roncoleukin) - solution for injection as an immunocorrector for all types of animals. In appearance, it is a transparent colorless or light yellow liquid.


Roncoleukin contains recombinant human interleukin-2 (IL-2), isolated from the cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and excipients: sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), D-mannitol, dithiothreitol (DTT), acid ammonium carbonate, water for injection.

1 ampoule of Roncoleukin (1 ml) contains: recombinant human interleukin-2 0.05; 0.1; 0.25 or 0.5 mg (50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 500,000 IU); sodium dodecyl sulfate - 0.5 mg; 1 mg; 2.5 mg; 5 mg; D-mannitol - 2.5 mg; 5 mg; 12.5 mg; 25 mg; dithiothreitol - 0.08 mg; ammonium carbonate sour - 0.79 mg; water for injection up to 1 ml.


Pharmacotherapeutic group: cytokine. ATX code: L03AC.

Interleukin-2 is produced by a subpopulation of T-lymphocytes (T-helper cells I) in response to antigenic stimulation.

IL-2 acts on T-lymphocytes, enhancing their proliferation and subsequent synthesis of IL-2. The mechanism of action of IL-2 is due to its binding to specific receptors present on various cellular targets.

IL-2 has a directed effect on the growth, differentiation and activation of T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, oligodendroglial cells, Langerhans epidermal cells. The development of cytolytic activity of natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes depends on its presence. IL-2 induces the formation of lymphokine-activated killers and activates tumor-infiltrating cells.

Expansion of the spectrum of the lyzing action of effector cells leads to the elimination of various pathogenic microorganisms, infected and malignant cells, which provides immune protection against the growth of tumor cells, viral, bacterial and fungal infections.


Dogs, cats, ferrets and fur animals

Treatment: viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 2-5 injections intravenously (intravenously) or subcutaneously (subcutaneously) at the rate of 10,000-15,000 IU / kg with an interval of 24-72 hours; oncological diseases - 5 intravenous or subcutaneous injections at the rate of 15,000-20,000 IU / kg, repeated courses are carried out in a month.

Prevention: to enhance the effectiveness of vaccines and reduce post-vaccination complications - one sc injection of 5000 IU / kg simultaneously or 24-48 hours before vaccination; prevention of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 1-2 injections s / c, i / v or orally at the rate of 5000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours; prevention of complications during surgery - before and / or after surgery - 1-2 s / c or i / v injections with an interval of 48 hours; relieving stress during various manipulations, transportation, etc. - for two days, once at the rate of 5000 IU / kg; normalization of immunity of old and weakened animals - 2 sc injections at the rate of 10,000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours once every 3-6 months.


Apply: for respiratory diseases: pulmonary emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, - s / c, i / v, orally 2-3 times at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 24-72 hours; to prevent recurrence of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system - once a month, once a SC, IV, orally at a dose of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48-72 hours; for skin diseases (photoexanthema, erythema multiforme) - 2 injections IV, at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours in combination with local anti-inflammatory therapy, with dermatitis - IV drip or s / c 3-5 injections with an interval 48 hours at the same dosage; in case of violation of mineral metabolism - twice 1000 IU / kg IV, n / a with an interval of 48-72 hours, repeated courses are carried out after a month and after 2 months; for traumatic injuries, pododermatitis, burns and frostbite - 2-3 injections (the first - intravenous drip, subsequent - s / c) at a dose of 1000-2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours; for oncological diseases (melanosarcoma) - 3-5 injections at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48-72 hours, the first injection is intravenous drip, the second is subcutaneous, then - 1-2 injections per month s / c; to correct the immunity of foals - 2 injections at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg i.v., s.c. or orally; the first introduction - on the 3-4th day, and the second - on the 10-14th day after birth; to prevent the spread of viral infections - 2-3 intravenous, s / c injections at the rate of 1000 IU / kg for the entire livestock in contact with sick animals; for the prevention of transport stress - once s / c, i / v, orally at the rate of 1000 IU / kg 24-72 hours before loading the horse; old and weakened animals - s / c, i / v, orally at a dose of 1000 IU / kg of body weight, 2-3 injections monthly.

During the period of high physical exertion, it is administered to increase the reserve capabilities of the body - once a week s / c, i / v, orally at a dose of 1000 IU / kg.

Immunorehabilitation after the use of corticosteroids and a course of other immunosuppressants - s.c., i.v., orally 1000 IU / kg 2-3 times with an interval of 48-72 hours.

Cattle (cattle)

Apply: to stimulate immunity in newborn calves - once s / c 100,000 IU per calf; for the prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial diseases - 1-3 subcutaneous injections at the rate of 2000-3000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours; to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination - once at the same time as s / c vaccination at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg; with necrobacteriosis - 2-3 injections s / c or iv (slowly) at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 7-10 days; for chlamydia - three times s / c with an interval of 7 days at the rate of 1000 IU / kg; to normalize (restore) sexual cyclicity in cows with ovarian hypofunction, manifested by prolonged anaphrodesia - twice 500,000 IU per animal with an interval of 36 hours.

Small cattle

The same indications and doses as for cattle.


Apply: to stimulate immunity in newborn piglets - once s / c, orally at a dose of 3000-5000 IU / kg; for the prevention of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 1-2 s.c. injections at the rate of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours; to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination - once at the same time as vaccination of young p / c at the rate of 2000-3000 IU / kg.

Farm bird

It is used to stimulate the immunity of young animals and to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination and reduce post-vaccination complications - once s / c, orally at the rate of 2000 - 3000 IU / kg.

Wild and exotic animals

Used in all types of exotic animals for 2-5 intravenous or subcutaneous injections with an interval of 24-72 hours from the calculation: artiodactyls and calluses - in the same doses as in cattle, equids - in the same doses as in horses , pinnipeds - 3000-5000 IU / kg, primates and reptiles - 10,000-15,000 IU / kg, birds - in the same doses as agricultural birds. When treating exotic birds, you can use s / c, oral, intranasal administration.


Apply to sturgeons and their hybrids during surgical intervention - before surgery - once intravenously at a dose of 2000 IU / kg and after surgery - twice s / c at 5000 IU / kg with an interval of 24 hours, as well as anti-stress therapy and increase the vitality of fry : once orally 7 days before stress at a dose of 6000 IU / kg, or three times at a dose of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours for stresses associated with handling, or in the form of half-hour baths at a dose of 300,000 IU / 100 l; salmon and their hybrids for processing eggs and larvae when switching to exogenous nutrition - 15 minute baths at the rate of 250,000 IU / 100 L of water, once, and for juveniles weighing up to 3 grams as a prophylaxis of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - orally together with feed - 3 days in a row at a dose of 4000 IU / kg (3 courses with an interval of 10-14 days); for trout producers in the post-spawning period - three times irrigation of feed before feeding at a dose of 2000 IU / kg ichthyomass with an interval of 5 days; aquarium fish for the prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases are exposed in containers with clean water, to which Roncoleukin is added at the rate of 50,000 IU / 10 l of water for 30-60 minutes.

Methods for administering Roncoleukin to animals:

Subcutaneous (s / c) - add 1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection or water for injection to the contents of the ampoule or vial and inject into the neck; in fish, water for injection or 0.65% sodium chloride solution is used.

Intravenous (IV) - the contents of an ampoule or vial are transferred into a dropper, where 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection is used as a solvent and is injected into a vein; in fish, a 0.65% sodium chloride solution is used and injected into the tail vein.

Intranasal - the contents of an ampoule or vial are diluted in 5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and 2 drops are instilled into each nasal cavity at least 3-5 times a day.

Oral - the contents of an ampoule or vial are diluted in 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection and drunk. The best effect is achieved with a slow infusion of the solution under the tongue. In fish, feed irrigation is used.

External - the contents of an ampoule or vial are diluted in 10-20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and used in the form of applications or irrigation of the wound surface.

Intravesical - the contents of an ampoule or vial are diluted in 5-50 ml (depending on the size of the animal) 0.9% sodium chloride solution and injected through a catheter into the bladder cavity.

When diluting Roncoleukin, do not shake the ampoule vigorously to avoid foaming.


It is not recommended to administer to horses shortly before or immediately after exercise, or in hot weather.






Temperature regime

from +2 to +10


immunocorrector for all types of animals

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