Rotavek Rotavek Corona vaccine for cattle 10ml 5 doses

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Rotavek Rotavek Corona vaccine for cattle 10ml 5 doses


Rotavek Corona is an inactivated vaccine against rotavirus, coronavirus infections and Escherichiosis in cattle. The dosage form is an emulsion for injection. In appearance, the vaccine is a uniform white emulsion. During storage, slight stratification of the emulsion is allowed, the homogeneity of which is easily restored when shaken.


The vaccine is made from the culture fluid of a continuous MA104 cell line infected with a rotavirus (UK-Compton strain, serotype Gb P5), inactivated with formaldehyde; as well as from the culture fluid of the transplantable CHO cell line infected with coronavirus (strain Mebus) inactivated with ethyleneimine dimer, and the culture of E. coli with the adhesive K99 antigen, with the addition of aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant - 0.85-1.15 mg, mineral oil ( Montanide ISA70VG) - 1.4 cm?, Thiomersal preservative - 0.051-0.069 mg, and sodium thiosulfate - 0.37 mg.


The protection of calves from rota-, coronavirus infections and escherichiosis is ensured by feeding them colostrum obtained from vaccinated cows containing specific antibodies.

The duration of protection depends on the duration of the drinking of the immune colostrum. The vaccine is harmless and has no medicinal properties.


The vaccine is used for prophylactic purposes in farms that are dysfunctional for rota-, coronavirus infections and Escherichiosis of young cattle.


Pregnant cows are vaccinated 3-12 weeks before the expected calving date. Shake the vaccine vials thoroughly before use. The vaccine is administered once, intramuscularly into the neck area in a volume of 2 ml. For vaccination, syringes and needles are used, which are sterilized by boiling for 15-20 minutes. The use of disposable syringes is allowed. The vaccine injection site is treated with 70% alcohol or other disinfectant solution.

The first portions of colostrum after calving are fed to newborn calves no later than 6 hours after birth.

Further, colostrum and milk from vaccinated cows, obtained in the first 6-8 milking after calving, are recommended to be collected and stored chilled (at a temperature of 2-8 В° C) or frozen. Heating or thawing of colostrum is carried out at a temperature not higher than 42 В° C.

It is recommended to add bulk milk and colostrum from vaccinated fresh cows (6-8 milks) to each calf at 2.5-3.5 liters / day during the first two weeks of life.


Violations of the vaccination schedule and colostrum drinking should be avoided, as this can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunization.

In case of an allergic reaction after vaccination, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.


It is forbidden to vaccinate clinically sick and / or weakened animals. It is not recommended to administer other vaccines within 14 days before and after the administration of Rotavec Corona vaccine.


Symptoms of the manifestation of rotavirus, coronavirus infections and escherichiosis with an overdose of the vaccine have not been established.


When using the vaccine in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications are not observed.

In some animals, a slight swelling may form at the injection site of the vaccine, which disappears within 14-21 days.

Slaughter products and milk from vaccinated animals are sold without restriction, regardless of the timing of vaccination.


When working with the vaccine, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided for when working with medicinal products for veterinary purposes.

All persons participating in the vaccination must wear overalls (rubber boots, dressing gown, trousers, headwear, rubber gloves) and be provided with personal protective equipment: closed-type oks. In places of work, there should be a first aid kit.


If the vaccine gets on the skin and / or mucous membranes, it is recommended to rinse them with plenty of tap water. In case of accidental administration of the drug, a person must contact a medical institution and inform a doctor about it.


The vaccine is stored and transported in a dry dark place at a temperature of 2 В° C to 8 В° C. The vaccine should be kept out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the vaccine is 24 months from the date of issue, subject to storage and transportation conditions. After the expiration date, the vaccine is not suitable for use.


The drug is packaged in 10 ml bottles.






Temperature regime

from +2 to +8


vaccine for the prevention of rotavirus, coronavirus infections and escherichiosis of young cattle

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