Tricillin powder 500g

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Tricillin powder 500g


Tricillin (Tricyllinum) - powder for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the birth canal, treatment of wounds, necrobacteriosis and hoof rot of the distal extremities and hooves in cows. In appearance, the drug is a white powder.


Tricillin in 1 g as active ingredients contains: benzylpenicillin sodium salt - 70,000 units, streptomycin sulfate - 80,000 units, streptocid - 0.83 g.


Pharmacotherapeutic group: combined antibacterial drugs. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. Has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action against most gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms, including staphylococci, streptococci and campylobacter.

Streptomycin sulfate has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against many gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms. The antimicrobial activity of streptomycin is associated with inhibition of protein synthesis at the level of ribosomes in a microbial cell.

Streptocide has a bacteriostatic effect against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microbes. Violates the formation of growth factors in microorganisms - folic and dehydrofolic acids.

With intrauterine administration, the drug is poorly absorbed and has an antibacterial effect, mainly in the tissues of the uterus. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites in lactating animals - partly with milk. Tricillin, according to the degree of impact on the body, is classified as a moderately hazardous substance (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007).


Tricillin is prescribed to cows for the prevention and treatment of postpartum endometritis and other inflammatory diseases of the birth canal of bacterial etiology, after the provision of obstetrics, cesarean section, surgical separation of the placenta, with complicated births and birth canal injuries, as well as for the treatment of wounds and as part of complex therapy in the treatment of necrobacteriosis and hoof rot of the distal extremities and hooves.

Before using the drug for the prevention and treatment of postpartum endometritis, the external genital organs and the root of the tail are sanitized. If necessary, the uterine cavity is freed from inflammatory exudate. For the prevention and treatment of postpartum endometritis when the placenta is retained: 12-24 hours after calving, Tricillin is injected into the uterine cavity at a dose of 2.5-3 g, as well as under the placenta in the vagina at a dose of 1.5 g. The drug is diluted at 50 100 ml of sterile vegetable oil at room temperature. Treatment is carried out every 48 hours until the spontaneous separation of the placenta, but no more than 3 times.

After the operative separation of the placenta: for the prevention of diseases of the birth canal, Tricillin is injected into the uterine cavity twice at a dose of 1.5-3 g with an interval of 48 hours. In case of complicated childbirth, trauma to the birth canal after obstetrics and cesarean section, Tricillin is injected into the uterine cavity once in a dose of 1.5-3 g.

For the treatment of wounds, the drug in an amount of 3-6 g (depending on the size of the affected area) is applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the wound with the capture of adjacent healthy tissues within a radius of 3-5 mm. If necessary, re-use the drug is applied in the same dose 48 hours after the first use.

For the treatment of necrobacteriosis and hoof rot of the distal extremities and hooves as part of the complex therapy, Tricillin is applied depending on the area of ​​the affected surface and the depth of the lesion in an amount of 2.5-3 g 2-3 times with an interval of 72 hours.


Overdose symptoms when using the drug in accordance with this instruction were not identified.

The peculiarities of the action of the drug during its first use and withdrawal were not revealed.

Avoid skipping the next use of the drug, as this can lead to a decrease in therapeutic efficacy. If one dose is missed, the use of the drug is resumed in the same dosage and according to the same scheme.

Tricillin is not prescribed concurrently with other intrauterine drugs.

Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than 6 days after the last use of Tricillin. The meat of animals that were forcedly killed before the expiration of the specified period can be used as feed for fur animals. Milk obtained during treatment and within 6 days after the last administration of Tricillin should not be used for food purposes; such milk can be used after boiling in animal feed.


A contraindication to the use of Tricillin is the increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.


When using the drug in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and the appearance of signs of allergy, the use of Tricillin is discontinued and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.


Store Tricillin in sealed manufacturer's packaging in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 В° C to 20 В° C. The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the medicinal product after the expiration date.


Tricillin is released packaged in 500 g in polymer cans, sealed with a pull-on lid. Each package is supplied with instructions for use.





Askont +

Temperature regime

from +5 to +25


for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the birth canal, treatment of wounds, necrobacteriosis and hoof rot of the distal extremities and hooves in cows

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