VM-50-01 Micro-V apparatus for vacuum massage (canned)

Special Price $578.20 Regular Price $597.00
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A type

Manual massager

Package weight, g



Hardware vacuum massage, also known as cupping massage, is a procedure unique in its effectiveness, which is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

It stimulates blood and lymph flow, thereby facilitating the resorption of edema and improving tissue nutrition.

In the area of ​​influence, tissue regeneration is activated, metabolic processes are accelerated.

Home vacuum massage triggers the immune response mechanisms, and when exposed to biologically active points, it has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Experts recommend using a vacuum massage apparatus for:

Age-related changes in the skin of the face and body

Cellulite and obesity

Cerebral palsy and other forms of paralysis and paresis

Myositis and muscle pain with overwork

Spine diseases - osteochondrosis, torticollis, scoliosis, kyphosis

Broncho-pulmonary diseases, including colds

The early stages of hypertension, as well as with VSD.

Some experts also advise using vacuum massage to stimulate the adrenal glands in multiple sclerosis, but there is no confirmed data on its effectiveness in this case.

VM-50-01 Micro-B is an irreplaceable device for those who care about their appearance and want to keep youthful freshness and fit until old age.

Vacuum massage of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks will quickly give elasticity to the skin, reduce volume and eliminate cellulite - the adipose tissue after a course of procedures becomes denser, losing its characteristic lumpy structure.

Vacuum facial massage is also very useful, with the help of which you can get rid of the characteristic age-related flabbiness and mimic wrinkles.

Equipped with a silicone jar, the device is easy to use: it operates on the mains, which means that you do not need to put on glass jars, the use of which was the first prototype of the modern procedure. After reading the instructions and recommendations for vacuum massage, anyone can repeat the procedure, becoming a masseur for himself or for loved ones. It is also important that the VM-50-01 Micro-V is very compact and weighs only 1 kg.

Regardless of whether the procedure was performed at home or in a hospital, over the years of using the device VM-50-01 Micro-B in medical practice, most patients highly appreciated vacuum massage. Reviews say not only that the procedure helped to cope with the underlying disease, but also about a mild, pleasant effect on the body, improving metabolic processes and the functioning of the body as a whole. The results of the cupping massage become noticeable very quickly. In addition, it can be combined with other types of physiotherapy and aromatherapy - it is not in vain that aromatic, sweet, spicy and pungent essential oils are added to massage oils.

If you decide that vacuum massage will become the best guardian of your beauty and health, you can always buy a device in our store.

But, like other physiotherapy devices, it requires prior consultation with a specialist before starting the course of procedures.

The fact is that the device has a list of significant contraindications, including:

Malignant and benign tumors, age spots in the area of ​​overlapping banks"

Disorders of the hematopoietic system

Severe hypertension and other life-threatening diseases of the cardiovascular system

Kidney failure, kidney and bladder stones, and gallbladder and bile ducts

Infections with high fever and fever

Pregnancy, postpartum, post-abortion, menstrual period

Lack of a sufficiently massive layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue (usually this is due to neurological disorders such as anorexia or constant stress.

Due to the wide field of application in which the apparatus vacuum massage has found its place, the price of VM-50-01 Micro-B will quickly justify itself!

Its impeccable quality, ease of use, portability and the ability to successfully deal with cosmetic problems that are urgent for women have made it one of the most popular devices for vacuum massage at home.


A type

Manual massager

Package weight, g



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